Part 13

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I heard Atiya begin whining so me being a light sleeper I woke up but I grab her before she can wake up Alejandro. It was crazy how we immediately got together but I don't think he understood I wanted to try first like talking talking. I wasn't ready for the official shit but I'll see what's up with that later.

Atiya was now done with her food and was trying her best to crawl all over. I then remember about my pills and how I've dumbly forgotten about them. Although they tasted horrible I knew I had to take them to stay healthy for my babies.

I soon pick Atiya up and go to Franky room to see if he can look after her while I go to Deriks. Once I open it I see Franky just laying staring at the ceiling and once I laugh he looks at me confused.

"Take care Atiya for twenty bucks and I'll be back in a bit" I demand in a way and he nods grabbing her.

I was now at Deriks and when I get there I see him sitting in the living room looking annoyed.

"Could of told me you guys weren't going to show up I was worried" he sighed and looked around me looking for Atiya I assume.

"Sorry I just am crashing at her Dads house because he wants to spend time with us and all" I explain.

"Don't depend on people because you'll end up in the streets"

"I'm not fucking depending on him and I wasn't on you either, I'm paying rent aren't I. so please I would never depend on no foo foo nigga" I shout a bit and catch him off guard.

"Look we close but don't go disrespecting me in my own house" he yells.

"I didn't now move" I groan going around him and end up packing all my things really.

"You sneak dissing calling me a foo foo nigga and shit"

"Take it how you want I'm out" I say calm holding multiple bags.

"You can't just take Atiya away like that" he yells.

"Atiya isn't YOURS" I yell angrier.

"But you are" he sighs grabbing my wrist tightly.

"No I am NOT" I push him back and hurt flashes his eyes.

"But those kisses we had" he softly whispers.

"Those kisses c'mon don't make me feel guilty"

"You should be the fuck, you led me on" he argues

"I was drunk for fucks sake, and so so vulnerable, and hurt. We both know I wasn't in the right but you went along" I sigh confused on why he barely brings this up.

"We literally kissed last week" a tear drops.

"Please let me know when did I ever kiss you when I was sober"

"A drunks action is what he/she truly wants to do" he continues on trying to argue.

"Well mine weren't" I harshly say growing impatient.

"Pinche puta never ever speak to me like that again" he yells pushing me against the wall. (Fucking bitch)

"I won't because you won't ever see me again" I spit at him and I soon fall back with a sock and I get up immediately.

My anger was on the top of the charts now and I barely had any thoughts going through my mind at the time. My thoughts were so dark I thank God no one can read my mind at the moment.

I get a quick and short flash back on how my dad used to hit me when I didn't let myself, and now I know I haven't officially forgiven him.

I soon punch him back causing his face to turn purplish. He was now choking me and I soon kick his nuts and go on top of him letting my hands do what they most desired. He was passed out by this time and I found my self still hitting him. I couldn't stop and once I realized what I've done I curse myself.

This anger really is a monster and it makes me a monster. I soon sob, I don't want to be a monster anymore but this this feeling always comes back and I soon get angered at myself.

My daughter deserves better so that's why I fixed Derik properly in the couch and was now full speed on to what I needed most.

Need // Ohgeesy pt.2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon