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젠장하지만 우리는 한 번에 하나씩 통과합니다.
Shit happens but we get through it one at a time


Hearing the blaring of his alarm, Jungkook groans out of annoyance as he searches for his phone to turn off the stupid alarm. Once his fingertips touch the screen of his phone, he pressed the off button as it quickly shut off, him being greeted with the peace and quiet but it was useless now that he was somewhat awake from his slumber.

He slowly sits up as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, him running his hand through his bed hair before looking around his room which was covered in darkness, the small spots of light trying it's very best to sneak past the curtains.

Turning his head towards his nightstand, Jungkook grabs his phone to look at his notifications that were piling up one after one on his front screen, them mostly from his Discord account and other gaming apps and a few text messages from his peers, one from Indya catching his eyes. He unlocks his phone before clicking on her message, it immediately sending him to the message chat where he read her message.

Thing #1: hey wanna hang out today with me and the boys?

Thing #2: sure i'll be there in 10

Locking his phone, Jungkook gets himself out of bed as he heads over to the bathroom to do his daily routine before he walks out to change into a plain white shirt with sweats and his black sneakers.

He pushes his hair back before placing his hat on as he grabs his phone and keys, him exiting his room to the kitchen. He goes to the fridge to search for a quick breakfast meal but as soon as he opens the door, he realizes that he forgot to go shopping last night once again, his fridge being empty for the past few days.

Groaning out of frustration, Jungkook closes the door behind him before he heads out his house, him placing a mental reminder to go shopping when he comes back but that's if he even remembers when he comes back.

Entering into his car, Jungkook starts up the car while his phone dings off from a notification, him looking down to see another message from Indya asking him to get some stuff from the store on his way over.

Rolling his eyes at her neediness for food, he replies back with an okay before he backs out of his driveway, him putting the car in drive before driving off towards the food market.


Pulling up into the driveway, Jungkook turns off the car before grabbing the few plastic bags that consist of the food Indya wanted him to get, him getting out the car only to be tackled down with Indya herself.

"Jungkook so glad you came."

"You're only glad because I got the food you wanted." Jungkook says as Indya rolls her eyes.

"Yes but I'm also glad to see you as well you big dork." She says, Jungkook laughing at her before sending her a smile.

"I'm glad to see you too Indya." Smiling at the bunny boy, Indya grabs the bags from his hands as she looks through to see if he got all the right stuff she likes, Jungkook already knowing he did.

"Does it meet your approval?" Indya nods her head like a little kid, Jungkook shaking his head at her childish behavior, it being another thing that he cherished about her.

"Indya where the hell did you go?" Yoongi shouts as he steps out of the house, his eyes catching sight of Jungkook and Indya standing by his car, her lifting up the bags to show him that they've finally hit jackpot. 

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