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당신은 인간의 형상으로 내 마음입니다.
You are my heart in human form


It was a few weeks after the couple gave each other a second chance to their relationship and ever since then, they have been inseparable. It was a little awkward at first since it's been a while since they have been together like they were in past but after a few dates with each other, they immediately got back to the old ways that they cherish so much in their memories.

Brushing her curls back into a ponytail, Crystal walks out the bathroom to hear laughter erupting in her living room, her legs taking her to the noise only to see Hoseok and Danielle having their own tickle fight with each other. Leaning against the wall, Crystal smiles at the view of Danielle laughing her heart out as Hoseok tickles the side of her stomach, his bright smile lighting up his face.

Just the sight of the two interacting with each other brought warmness in her heart as she always wish for this moment only for it to finally come true.

"You two having fun?" Crystal asks, Hoseok turning his head to the beauty standing in front of him.

"Mommy." Danielle runs up to her, her aggressively grabbing her legs as Crystal steadies herself on the wall.

"Hey baby. Are you having fun with Hobi?" Crystal says as she picks up Danielle, placing her on her hip.

"Yes I am. Me and him had a tea party and played dress up with me."

"He did now?"

"Yes Mommy. We even painted our nails." Danielle said, her lifting up her hands for Crystal to see the slightly perfect painted nails.

"Sounds like you had a lots of fun." Crystal says, Danielle nodding her head.

"Well why don't you go to your room while Hobi and Mommy have some adult time."

"Okay but don't be long. Hobi promised me movie time later."

"Okay we won't." Crystal giggled at her daughter as she puts her back on the floor, the little ball of energy running to her room to play with her dolls.

"Seems like you had a fun day with her."

"Yeah. It would have been nice if you join us." Hoseok teased her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, Crystal rolling her eyes.

"Sorry that my beauty sleep was calling my name."

"Okay sure." Crystal playfully pushes Hoseok away, him laughing before pulling her back into his embrace, him kissing the top of her head.

"So got any plans for today?"

"No not that I know of."

"Good cause we're going out." Hoseok said, Crystal looked up at him with confusion.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise so tell Danielle to get dressed and I'll meet y'all back here in half an hour." Hoseok pecks Crystal's lips before running off towards the front door, Crystal staring at him with confusion but he just sends her a wink before leaving the apartment.

Shaking her head at his behavior, Crystal walks over to her daughter's room as she tells her the plans, her helping Danielle get ready before she got herself ready for this suprise that her beloved boyfriend had for them.


Looking at herself in the mirror one last time, Crystal nods her head with approve, her not hearing the small footsteps approaching her bathroom.

"Mommy looks pretty." Danielle said, Crystal turning around to see her beautiful baby smiling at her with her curly hair in two ponytails with her yellow sundress on.

"Thank you baby. You look pretty as well." She says, picking her up to leave a bunch of kisses on her daughter's face, Danielle giggling at her mother's silliness.

"Let's take a picture shall we?" Taking out her phone, Crystal opens the camera as Danielle looks at the mirror with her signature pose which was her bright smile and her peace sign.

Smiling in the photo, Crystal takes a couple more, majority of them being silly faces between the two until they took a serious one that made them model worthy.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Crystal places Danielle down on the floor as she runs off to the door, her shouting Hoseok's name with excitement. She laughs at her eagerness while she makes her way to the door, her peeking through the hole to see him standing out there with a smile.

Opening the door, Crystal smiles at him as they both take in the sight of each other, the two taken back by their appearance. But Danielle ruined their little moment as she couldn't contain the excitement any longer, her jumping into Hoseok's arms.



"I'm so happy you're here."

"But you saw me earlier love." Hoseok says.

"I know but I missed you."

"I'm glad because I missed you too." Hoseok pinches her cheeks, the two sharing their identical smile with one another, the sight making Crystal smile as well.

"Ready to go?" Hoseok asked Crystal, her nodding her head as she grabs her things, her closing and locking the door behind her before the small family heads downstairs to Hoseok's car where they will soon see their mini surprise.


Pulling up to the same amusement park that Hoseok brought Crystal on their first date back in high school brought nostalgia as she looks around the environment to find that everything is exactly the same as it was years ago.

She couldn't believe that this place was still here as she thought it got torn down a long time ago but what amazed her the most was that Hoseok actually remembered the place himself, him taking her back again to relive those memories they cherished now with the mini self they beautifully created.

Not being able to contain her tears, Crystal starts to laugh at herself for crying at something so small but that small thing meaning so much to her. Noticing her crying, Hoseok walks up to her as he wipes her tears away while looking into her eyes with concern only for him to see pure happiness.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy...being here with you and Danielle like it's suppose to be." Crystal says, her comment bringing a bright smile on Hoseok face.

His smile bringing back the old memories Crystal loved so much, it flashing right through her eyes which made her cry even more but with happy tears. Grabbing his face, she presses her lips against his, sharing a passionate kiss before pulling away, her whispering the three words that he cherished so much against his lips.

Placing a strand of hair behind her ear, Hoseok caresses her check before repeating back the same words to her with so much love, it bringing a smile on her face. At that moment, Crystal knew that she made the right choice for giving them a second chance as she knew that the man infront of her was the only one that is truly meant for her.

Grabbing her hand along with Danielle's, the family of three enjoyed the rest of their day at the amusement park, creating memories that they will cherish forever in the long run along with the happy couple reliving the memories they had with each other while creating the new ones with their daughter, hoping for great things to happen in the future.


A/n: so it's been a fat minute since I've updated and I'm completely sorry for that. I've just been really lacking the motivation to write for some reason and I'm trying to fix that because writing is like my happy place so I'm really trying. But for now please bare with me. Also sorry if this chapter is shitty, i blame it on my lack of inspiration. But enjoy and hopefully be expecting the last two updates this week.

save me + m.ygDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora