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We're not who we used to be


Pulling up to the curb, Yoongi puts the car in park, the engine being shut down while the locks quickly unlock. Opening the door, Hoseok and Namjoon climbed out the car, leaving Yoongi left alone in the vehicle where he was staring off at the brightly lit house with party lights streaming out into the dark night sky. Feeling the craving through his veins, Yoongi knew right then and there that his body was calling for his daily dose of the burning sensation alcohol along with the power kicking illegal substance that takes him out of this world he calls home.

Grabbing his phone, he slowly gets out the car, closing the door behind him while staring off at the house. Taking a deep breathe, Yoongi looks down at his phone, looking down at the white notification that stood out from all the others.

'Mom's birthday'

Locking the screen, he places the device in his pocket, walking across the street towards the crowded house, swallowing down his guilt. Walking through the entrance, Yoongi squeezes his way through the crowd, heading straight towards the liquor, he grabbed a solo cup, filling it up with plain vodka till the brim. Taking a huge gulp, he scrunches his nose from the burning, his body quickly getting used to the strong taste slowly killing his brain cells away.

He grabs his cup, slowly walking out of the kitchen while taking big sips, watching drunken bodies moving around throughout the house, their minds completely dead from the strong liquor to stop themselves from making idiotic decisions. Looking around, the glimpse of curly hair caught Yoongi's attention, him furrowing his eyebrows at the slight thought that Indya was actually here. But his slight thought became real when he saw Indya squeezing her way through the crowd, her hands connected to the unknown presence behind her which lead to be her boyfriend Jordan.

Yoongi watched them walk this way, him sipping his drink while Indya leads her boyfriend towards the kitchen, her looking forward to see Yoongi's blank expression along with his dull eyes staring back at her.

"Yoongi what are you doing here?" She asked, immediately walking up to him with a smile, pulling him into a hug that caught him off guard.

"Namjoon and Hoseok dragged me here." Yoongi said, Indya smirking at him.

"Mhm sure they did."

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked curiously, already having an idea of her reason.

"Jordan's friends invited him over so I decided to tag along you know. Be a good girlfriend and introduce myself to them." Indya said, Yoongi nodding his head, taking a sip while staring at her, looking right through her fake smile.

"Hey babe I was wondering where you wonder off to." Jordan says, him looking forward to be greeted with the black haired boy.

"Who are you?"

"Jordan this is my friend Yoongi. Yoongi this is Jordan." Jordan stuck out his hand, Yoongi taking it, Jordan's firm hand gripping slightly tight on Yoongi's bony hands. Noticing the slight tension in the air, Indya clears her throat causing Jordan to let go of Yoongi's hand.

"Well we'll be going. See you around." Grabbing her wrist firmly, Jordan walks off with Indya behind him, her sending Yoongi an apologetic smile. But all Yoongi did was watch them walk away, him noticing Indya slightly yanking her wrist out of his strong grip, hurt and fear in her eyes.


After a couple of drinks along with taking a few hits, Yoongi was back to his second world, his mind completely fucked up, his thoughts throw out the window while the drugs slowly take over his body, bringing him out of this world and into his fantasy. Sitting down at the couch with other drunken witnesses, Yoongi rests his head on the wall, letting the one thing that could harm him badly, take over his mind like nothing. The drugs taking his problems away for the night. But Indya wishes she was able to do that, her problems just beginning.

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