Phana smirked. "Then let's go?" His hand pointed at the elevator, the elevator was already open, Phana said. "Go on, you go in first." Watching Wayo trembling, and face pale, Phana felt something was wrong. Wayo was already standing in front of the elevator, not moving and just staring at the elevator. Phana was felt guilty and said. "Forget it, let's takes the stairs." He was about to move when he hair Wayo said.

"I'm not afraid!" Can closed his eyes and walked directly inside the elevator. Phana then walked in, still looking at Wayo face with closed eyes.
He then clicked the ground floor. And opened his mouth.

"Why you're not opening your eye's?" Curious about what he was doing, Phana blurred out.

Can heard of what he said but the felt he feel before, is now double! He force himself to open his eyes as soon he opened his eyes. He become more dizzy and fell unconscious. Phana was quickly and always watching him since they entered the elevator, catched him. "Hey! Yo! Nong'Yo! What's wrong? Hey! Wake up!" Taping his face with his palm, Wayo did not react to his action and still unconscious. Phana put his hand to his pulses, he have pulses but his heartbeat was not normal! Phana was a bit frightened and as soon the elevator reached at the ground floor, he immediately carried out Wayo, with Princess carry and bring him to school clinic.

Newwie was watching the scene when Phana walked out the elevator with Can, his face chuckled and quietly smirked, he was eating lollipop that time and continued walking.

As soon they arrived at the clinic, the doctor on duty asked what happened, and Phana kindly explained to him all what happened. The Doctor already guessed that Wayo has claustrophobia. And gave him some medicine to make his self calm. Phana heard that and he felt so bad from what happened. He blame himself again, because of his foolishly Wayo always been in the trouble. He felt that, the accident should be blame to him also.

After an hour. Can woke up, first he saw was Phana sitting beside the bed. Confusingly, he opened his mouth. "What happened?"

Phana was surprised, he startled by sudden voice and got up from the sit. "You fool! You make me worry to death! Why you did not tell me you have claustrophobia!" Angrily expression can see to his face but, Can felt like it was more concerned.

"I.. I.. don't want to be bullied by others, and make them find my weakest part." Not looking at Phana he said.

"Did I bullied you?" Phana was surprised, he bullied him?

"Yes, when you came to me, you always saying a harsh words to me, you think I don't have feelings too?" It was not for him also, but more likely for Wayo. Can always thought that, Wayo was shy don't have friends much, plus he was always been bullied like him. When they changed their souls, Can don't like being bullied and make his own ways to deal with them. Maybe this is the help he can do for Wayo. He can feel how lonely he was and how sad his life was.

Not to mention being rejected by the one he liked the most.

Phana stared at him, recalling all what happens, Phana thought that he was indeed bullied him, not because he wanted to bullied him but.. he felt annoyed that he saw Wayo was with other man, he felt angry and wanted to get Wayo away from other man especially with Tin!

He never felt this before, the feel that he wanted to make someone to be happy and smile only to you.

Make you the reason for his smile. Make you the reason for his happiness. You wanted to get his attention. Only for you.

This strange feeling.

He then paused and walked near and flip Wayo forehead. The suddenly flip makes Can hold his forehead. "What's that for!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's that how you say sorry?"

"Hmmm." Phana turned around and about to leave. Can said.

"Before you go, can you gave me a water Mr.hotheaded."

"Hotheaded your ass!" But he did what Can asked before he leave.

After thirty more minutes, Can was preparing to leave, a sudden loud sound from the door heard. Can was startled and looked at the door. Tin was catching up his breath and walked faster towards him with angry face. Can was stepped back and said. "P'Tin, hold on! Why are you glaring at me like that don't scare me!"

Tin now in front of him almost centimeters away, without talking, Tin suddenly hugged him in tightened.

"P'Tin... what's wrong?" Can confusingly asked.

Tin not let go him from the hug and said. "Don't scared me.. I don't know what to do if something bad happens to you again. Please.. I beg you." Tin hug was more tightened.

Can was shocked.




To be continued.

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