Chapter 2

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Author's Note

Ello there ladies and gents looking forward to what's about to happen? I'm deciding on what Anthea's love interest is going to look like. Sorry this chapter was a bit boring but I have to give all the background info and shtuff. Comment and tell me what you want him to look like. Oh and still looking for a good cover message me (:

Song: Marianas Trench - Desperate Measures


I've never been out of North America so I admit I was a little excited. I expected my grandparents waiting for me but I found an odd man in professional clothing holding a sign with Anthea Roberts written on an ivory sign with gold cursive writing. Wow my grandparents must have gone on all out getting me a chauffeur and everything. I turn the corner expecting a car of some sort. What I saw in front of me however was a sleek white limo with dark tined windows. In hindsight nothing was what I expected it to be so why should my grandparents be the typical type of grandparents?

The chauffeur looked bored catering to a teenager. Technically I wasn't a teenager anymore because I has recently turned 19 but he seemed oblivious of my age. I stepped inside and thanked him (however he didn't deserve it) . He shut the door and my eyes adjusted to the indoor lighting.

A woman who looked about 40 sat talking briskly and business-like on the phone. I felt bad for the person she was talking to because she was making the hair on my neck stand and she wasn't directly speaking to me. Next to her was a man in a expensive black suit.

It took me awhile to notice he was holding out his hands beckoning me to him. I was still beholding my surrounding. He had a well rehearsed smile on his face and he briskly hugged me.

"It's nice to finally meet my granddaughter" he said it as though he were delivering a line from a billion dollar movie. 

"Thanks" I flustered. My face was beet red, everything around me seemed so unreal. Not that I was dirt poor or anything.  I lived an average life, I had food in the fridge, clothes in my closet, and a roof over my head. After seeing all this I felt like a long lost princess. Something about it all seemed so cheesy. I thought any second there would be a cameraman jumping out of nowhere and screaming 'You've been punked!' Totally cliche I know.

"If you thought the limo was grande wait until you see where you're staying, love" my grandmother looked sweet genuinely a nice person. I would have believed it completely if it had not been seconds ago she was scaring the day lights out of me. Who knows the person could have been a complete jackass.


How far did these people live?! We've been driving for almost 2 hours. I sighed ...again. That's when the limo started to slow down. I looked out and tried to suppress a gasp... it didn't really work. My mouth was hung open. My grandparents smirked. 

" We are going to teach you how real people live" grinned my grandfather. I never knew they had so much money. Still floundering I stepped out while the same chaffeur opened the door. I was going to get my luggage when they started giving me weird looks. I stopped in my tracks and begin following them wondering what I did. Then I realized the rich never do any physical work. I was beginning to have some fun. 

" First and foremost are your lessons, dear" my grandmother said cheekily. Damn they are cool grandparents. 

"What lessons are you talking about ?" cluelessly I looked at both of them. They exchanged looks and looked a little surprised that I didn't know what they were talking about. I blushed and look at my feet. 

" Your lessons, you know for the Gala ?"

" What's a Gala?" I was honestly confused, I've never heard of such a thing.

" We will explain all of that later, right now you're going to need to be wide awake for tomorrow" they smiled at me as they lead me through the grand hallways lined perfectly with beautifully exotic carpet  and decorated with ancient paintings and chandeliers. 

"Whoa" was the most intelligent thing I could think of at the time.

They led me to my bedroom which was spacious and one of the walls was entirely glass showcasing the gorgeous landscape. The sun was slowly setting over the most perfect horizon I've ever seen. It looked like a place straight out of a fairytale. 

" I hope you'll sleep well, Anthea" my grandmother bowed slightly and formally.

Then I was left alone with my thoughts.

I got ready for bed taking my time in the shower, putting on PJs and brushing my teeth. I was pulling my hair up in a pony tail when I saw my closet and stumbled forward. Is this mine? Never have I seen so many clothes well except maybe stores but it looked as though there was three stores placed and organized into my closet.

Dresses with designer brands I've never seen before mostly. Everything looked too formal compared to the things I normally wear. Then again I was pretty under dressed compared to my grandparents today. I couldn't wait until the Gala, I wonder who was hosting it...

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