Finally Free

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The timer continued to countdown, suddenly a loud crash was heard from the outside. I could hear Taehyung get up "Amber, you okay?" he asked as he banged on the door again.

"Yeah, I'm fine... what was that noise?"

"I don't know... scared the crap out of me though. How much time we have left?"

"Less the five minutes..." I said as I sniffle.

The doors that lead to this room opened, even though I can't see it... I heard it. "TAEHYUNG!" a voice shouted. Was that Kelly's voice? She's alive!!! I thought to myself as a smile appeared on my face.

"Holy shit... Kelly?!?! Wha-what in the world?"  Taehyung sound puzzled.

"Surprise to see me... we couldn't leave you guys. Kookie knew that you guys were still here, I didn't want to believe it at fir—"

"Yeah! Yeah! Can you guys get me out of here!"

"I have been trying to get in there for the past couple of minutes... no use" Taehyung said.

"There's as to be a switch or something around here" Jungkook said as he sat down by the door.

All you can hear from my side was shuffling of the feet. A little crash here and there but nothing too big. The timer was at three minutes, that's when I shouted to them. Their pace picked up faster. I couldn't even do anything about it, I just sit here and watch the ceiling. Until I noticed something on the wall as I glanced down.

"What is that?" I said to myself. Squinting a little harder, I realize it was the switch to the door "GUYS! The switch, it's in here with me!"

"Damn, is everything in there with you?" Taehyung stated.

That's kind smart but dumb at the same time... because if people come to help the person that they can't. But if you manage to get free then its a win for you. Using the strength I had, I hopped over to the door. Before getting to it, guards rushed it.

"Get your hands off of me... ugh!" Kelly shouted.

"GUYS! NO!" quickly, I use my head to reach the switch. Tussling was heard on the other side of the door. Taehyung, Kelly, and Jungkook were fighting for their lives outside. With the last swing forward I managed to get the door open. Stumbling a little bit, I fell into my side "Ah~"

"Let them go! Or I will blow us all up. If I put pressure on this thing, then this whole place goes down"

"Why you little..." one guard approached me, but Jungkook jumped on his back and chocked him. Another guard dropped Kelly and try to help his fellow colleague... but Taehyung gets the same thing Kookie did.

"Get her out of there before more comes" Taehyung said.

Kelly snatched the keys from a pocket and went to unlocked my chains. Finally, I was free from my captivity... I held up the bomb that had two minutes left. "Leave us alone or I will kill us. I wasn't playing around" I hope I was threatening enough.

"Yo-you wouldn't dare, why would you kill your friends like that?" one guard said.

"Why would you kill us like that? Humans and hybrids belong together as one... I didn't see that at first and now I do. You can see that those hybrids that are choking you, are risking their lives to save us... humans. We will do the same... killing them is like killing us"

The intercom came on "Disarm the bomb and let them go... it's not worth it"

The boys let the guys go and they did what they were told. The guards escorted us out of the building and to the parking lot. Our parents were waiting for us with backup. We all looked around like everything was new to us.

𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘔𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘦 | 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now