Chapter 25

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Taehyung POV

I was getting impatient. Jungkook and Lisa have been locked in Jungkook's room for over an hour. I literally have no clue what they could be doing. I wanted to eavesdrop but Jungkook would kick my ass if I did so that was a no go.

The rest of us were still in the living room watching TV and talking. Just as Jin was ranting about that time he cut his hair with kitchen scissors, Lisa came into the room with a big accomplished smile on her face.

"Ladie-I mean gentleman and gentleman! I present to you... Jeon Junghee!" she announced as she dragged someone in front of us.

We all gasped. Jungkook indeed looked 100% female right now. With a cute pastel pink sweater tucked into a black and white skirt that made his waist look even smaller and a long black wig that complimented his face shape, he looked absolutely stunning. He had shimmery eyeshadow on and mascara as well as some red lip tint. His skin was flawless.

My eyes trailed down to his legs that were covered by knee high black socks and were... Smooth? Oh my fucking god his legs were so smooth.

I didn't get turned on by the outfit, the wig or the make up but those legs?! I might have found a new kink.

Everyone agreed that Jungkook looked stunning and I could see Jimin trying to cover up his boner. I would have beaten him up but then Jungkook would beat me so not today.

I also saw Junghyun take a picture of Jungkook with his phone with an evil smirk on his face. I pray for Kook's dignity.

Third person POV

A few hours passed and the fake couple had to go meet the parents. Yoongi was extremely nervous while Jungkook was trying to make his voice more feminine.

They both got into Yoongi's car and waved at their friends, boyfriends and Junghyun. The ride was quiet but neither of them minded. They went over the plan once again and Yoongi laughed at Jungkook's voice change some more.

Before they knew it, they were in front of the Min house. It was huge and had a nice garden. They rang the doorbell since Yoongi forgot his keys and a woman dressed in a nice black dress opened the door.

"Yoonie~ You're finally here! Dinner's ready, come in! And you must be the gorgeous girlfriend! I'm Min Hayeon, Yoongi's mother, but please call me Hayeon or mom if you'd like," the woman said cheerfully.

"Mom, please stop embarrassing me," Yoongi grumbled. Even though Jungkook wasn't his actual boyfriend, he still wanted to be the cool friend of the adorable younger boy.

Jungkook chuckled at the two and smiled politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Hayeon. I'm Jeon Junghee."

Jungkook shook hands with the lady who was absolutely stunned by how pretty and well mannered Jungkook was.

They all went inside and sat around the big dinning table in the dinning room. Mr. Min soon joined them as well. He was surprised to see a young girl sitting by the table next to his son since he thought Yoongi would chicken out.

"Good evening. It smells great in here, dear. And Yoongi. Who is this lovely lady?" the older man greeted his wife and began to question his son.

"My name is Jeon Junghee. It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Min," Jungkook said as he stood up from his chair to shake the man's hand.

"What a polite lady! Please, call me Jaehwan."

The dinner was hoing well as the married couple asked many questions while the younger two made up answers as the time passed by.

They said that they met outside a club and hit it off from there. They also said that they haven't been intimate and that they have only been together for a month.

Luckily, the couple believed them. They didn't think anything could go wrong from there but boy oh boy were they wrong.

"So, Junghee, what do you think of fag- gay people," Jaehwan asked.

Jungkook didn't know how to react at first. He wasn't really gay himself but did he care if people around him were? No.

He didn't want to be sassy and ruin the entire night but you bet your ass he wasn't going to talk bad about gay people. It was time for him to spread the gay.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Anyone should be able to love whoever they fall in love with. Don't you think?" Jungkook said with a small smile as he tried to ignore the profanity Mr. Min almost used.

"Don't you think it's a bit... I don't know... Gross? Some gay men act like women and some gay women act like men. It's a bit odd, isn't it. And the way they have... Sexual intercourse. I just don't think it's appropriate," Hayeon answered.

"I agree. And the worst part is that you don't even know who might be gay. They could be family, friends, teachers..." Jaehwan added.

Yoongi was trying hard to not lash out at his parents and it was obvious why. It's hard to listen to your own parents talk bad about you or the people you know without them knowing the truth.

"What they choose to wear, look like or do in the bedroom is non of our business, don't you think? I've seen heterosexual couples do some freaky shit and look like they just escaped coachella after snorting 136 lines of coke, but do I have the right to judge them? No. And neither do you."

The two parents were shocked by the "girl's" speech. They stayed quiet about the topic afterwards and instead asked Jungkook about his hobbies.

The night went on smoothly and soon they were saying goodbye at the front door. Yoongi was going to give Jungkook a ride back home and return home after.

Just before Yoongi could follow Jungkook out the door, his mother stopped him.

"She really is something, Yoonie," she told her son.

"Yeah..." he muttered.

"Yoongi... I'm sorry for saying THAT in front of your girlfriend. Your father and I are sorry for always bringing it up. We shouldn't press our opinion on your friends. I guess it's the age gap. You younger generations are so... Okay with everything," she said in a sad tone. She was aware that an opinion that strong could cost her son his relationship and she didn't want that. She wanted him to be happy even if she had trouble showing that.

"Thanks mom. I have to go now. Bye," Yoongi smiled and waved as he walked towards his car with Jungkook.

The moment they turned a corner and the house was no longer in sight, Jungkook threw off the wig and shoes.

"This outfit is the worst. Guess we know who ain't gonna be crossdressing for halloween. Me, bitch," Jungkook ranted.

"Aww, you looked so cute, though," Yoongi teased.

"I'm just glad we're even. And if your parents ask about us again, say that I broke up with you because they were too homophobic," the younger said and they both laughed.

"Are you ready for the intense make out session with Tae, Kook?" Yoongi spoke up again, giving Jungkook a smirk.


Finally. Another chapter done. I can die now.

Hope you enjoyed! ❤

- M

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