Chapter 13

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Third person POV

The day was amazing for everyone. The students had a lot of fun as well as the teachers. Taehyung was the happiest person alive and Jungkook felt happier than ever before. It was all going great for the two. They were already on the bus back home and the older couldn't help but think about the younger. He wanted to be more than friends. At least now he felt like that was possible.

His staring caught the younger's attention and he turned towards Taehyung.

"What are you staring at? Is there something on my face?" Jungkook asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Uhh... Actually yeah. There is something on your face. Beauty," Taehyung said and regretted it. He just straight up flirted.

Jungkook just chuckeled at the olders blushing face and went back to listening to music. Taehyung had to look out the window to get his mind off the boy sitting next to him. However, something caught his eye.

There was a black car right next to the bus and the driver was looking straight at Taehyung or someone close to him. He had black sunglasses on so it was hard to tell.

The man seened odly familliar and that made the situation even worse. Taehyung couldn't quite tell who the man was or where he saw him so he brushed it off and continued minding his own bussiness.

He spent the rest of the ride listening to music and looking at Jungkook. But whenever he would look out the window, the damn car was still there.

Taehyung POV

We got back to the school after the best day ever. I mean... Seeing your crush half naked and cuddling him in a tree? What else could you ask for? Maybe a kiss but I'll take things slow for now.

Everyone got out of the buss and started heading home. It was already dark so I didn't think letting Jungkook go home by himself was a good idea.

"Want me to walk you home?" I asked him hoping he would say yes.

"Nah. I'll be fine. It's not that far anyway," he said and smiled.

We bid our friends and each other goodbye and started walking home ourselves. I felt the need to look back at Jungkook but didn't. There's nothing to worry about. He's strong.

After about 10 minutes I arrived at my house. I made myself toast and plopped down on the sofa. There was nothing interesting on TV so I setteled with netflix. I still felt worried and yet I didn't quite know why. I trusted Jungkook. I knew he was strong. But something was wrong.

The car...

Panic took over my body. The car was always there. The man was looking at Jungkook... not me. It all made sense.

Jungkook's stalker...

The man looked familliar because I saw him flirting in that cafe. He was driving Jungkook nuts. He knew everything about him.

The clicking sound near the tree...

A camera! It could have been Jungkook's stalker spying on us. Fuck...

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I had a notification from instagram. Someone called... kookies_not_oreos started following me?

I looked at the profile picture and freaked out even more. It was a picture of Jungkook but it didn't look like he took it or like he knew his picture was even being taken. He was smiling with his bunny teeth out. What was even creepier was that the account already posted about three pictures of Jungkook. Those pictures were deffinetly not taken by Jungkook. He was looking away from the camera in each pic. The last pic was of a shirtless Jungkook standidn in a lake... It was from today...

I decided to call Jungkook and ask him if he made an instagram account but then I remembered... Jungkook's phone was broken...

Chill, Tae. He could have made the account on his computer. But he didn't take those pictures... I would know if he did.

The stress was getting to me so I had to make some tea to calm down. Just as I sat on my sofa I got a call... From Junghyun. Maybe Jungkook's calling from his brother's phone for some reason... Oh god I hope he just wants to say 'hi'.

I answered the call.

"Hey, Taehyung!"

"Hi, Junghyun! Something wrong?" I asked hoping the answer was 'no'.

"Uhh actually yeah... Kind off," he started. I mentally broke down. "Is Jungkook at your place?"

"What? Umm no. He went home. Why?" I panicked even more. Did Jungkook not come home? Maybe he went for a walk... No... It's been two hours since we said goodbye and it was already late. Jungkook wouldn't just go somewhere like that.

"Well... Jungkook hasn't come back yet..."

Oh no...

I'm finally back! It's been a while and I'm running low on ideas so this is what I came up with.

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