Chapter 16

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Taehyung POV

It's already been two days since Jungkook disappeared. Junghyun reported it to the police and they searched for him but nothing came up.

Jimin started going to school here and is in the same class as me... Great. He sits next to me in some subjects too. Sometimes he passes me notes like: 'what's your relationship with Jungkook?' to which I reply with 'mind your own god damn business'.

And here he is passing me a note again.

Any news on Jungkook, bish?

I shot him a glare and aggressively wrote my answer.

Has Namjoon finally gotten a handshake?

He read it with a confused look.

Who tf is Namjoon?

I realized that I haven't introduced Jimin yet so he had no clue who I was talking about.

Someone that doesn't get his hand shaken quite often.

After that he didn't write back. He was too confused. And so I was left alone with my thoughts.

Right now me and Jungkook could be making out in the boys' restroom or the locker room or... Fuck it! This class right now! Why the fuck not? But no! My dumb ass had to not walk him home and now there is no Jungkook to make out with.

Jungkook POV

So... The fun activities were not fun at all. Cutting and bruising my body was not the way normal people would spend their week days. Oh yeah... Does this bitch Daesung even have a job?

The other activities he talked about remain unknown and will hopefully stay that way.

Just as I was thinking all of this, an enraged asshole busted into my room.

"The police is looking for you," he said.

"Well obviously. You fucking kidnapped me," I said, not impressed.

Just as I finished my sentence, the bitch got a phone call. I wish I still had my fucking phone.

It was amusing watching his expression change. From annoyed to curious to panicked- wait what?! Panicked?!

He hung up and looked at me again.

"Looks like someone found our location..."

"Nice!" I said enthusiastically. That pissed him off.

He walked towards me with his usual smirk and bent down to look at me as I was sitting on the bed. I guess I won't see what the other activities are. But wait! He said I won't get out alive... Fuck.

"Since I couldn't fuck you, you'll have to kiss me."

I looked at him with disgust.

"What? No way! Go kiss one of your peasants or something!" I replied.

It seems he wasn't taking no for an answer, though. He leaned closer. His knees were now on the bed as he was moving towards me. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I tried to push him away but my hands were tied. I tried to move my head but he held it tighter. His hands were harshly gripping my cheeks and nape while he was trying to push his tongue inside my mouth.

I refused to open my mouth and he knew it. He grabbed my shoulders for a second and slammed me into the wall behind me. That made all the air from my lungs leave my body. I opened my mouth to get some oxygen and he took it as an opportunity.

He grabbed my face harshly again and started full on making out with me... Well... He was the one doing all the work.

"If you don't kiss back, I'll slit your throat," he growled.

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