•Day 53• Brynn

Start from the beginning

"This one will see you there," Ava said patting Will's head as if she was his mother and he was being shy in front of a guest.
I was starting to warm up to her.

"Can't wait," I muttered sarcastically, unable to rub the smile off my face.

The thing I loved the most about Ava's restaurant was its name, Pita Pan. Perhaps I got my love for puns from my dad. I'm sure ten years down the line he'd own a bar called Tequila Mockingbird. Elody may or may not have passed that idea through him and he may or may not have already begun his research on new shop spaces for rent in town. Who could resist a shop with a clever name?

• • •

Before I knew it, the bell for lunch had rung and I was anxiously making my way towards the parking lot. I didn't even know why I was so nervous. Draven was a loser. If anything, he had to be nervous about spending time with me.

I guess it was the thought of being alone that made me feel skittish. It was one thing to spend time alone in school where there were people everywhere, but driving off somewhere with Mysterious Guy who looked like he'd murdered people before? Not so sure about that.

"Where are we going?" I asked him casually, trying not to let him catch on to my apprehension.

"A place," he replied, opening the door for me. I'd never seen Draven act gentlemanly before, so the open-mouthed expression was unavoidable.

"What? I can be nice sometimes," he chuckled.

"Are you trying to make up for the fact that you killed someone?" I whispered. "Who was it? Will?"

"If it was Will I wouldn't be covering up my tracks. You'd be the first person I told and then we'd throw a huge party," he said, as he slid into the driver's seat and closed his door.

"A huge party that you wouldn't even attend. You'd just be sulking in some girl's bedroom," I laughed.

"And then you'd come crying to me because your boyfriend cheated on you."

That struck a nerve. "First of all, not my boyfriend. Second of all, he didn't cheat on me. Third of all, why would I come crying to you? Why would I cry at all? It was Will. I can do so much better!" Rule number three: never break rule number two.
I'd already lost.

"Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart," he smirked, started the car.

We pulled out of the school parking lot, and hell yes I was breaking rule number two by scartching my nail polish off, messing with loose strands of my hair, tapping my foot repeatedly and asking him where we were going every five minutes.
I was doing a darn great job.

"Where are we going?" I asked, for around the hundredth time.

"You know, I'm starting to think that you're not curious about where we're going  at all and you're just trying to find excuses to talk to me," Draven said, peering at me from the corner of his eye.

"Boy, aren't you a charmer?" I muttered drily.

We were driving past the general town area, past the buildings and the houses. I was starting to see more green than I had in a long, long time. Vast, endless fields surrounded us. The nervousness was replaced by a new fluttery feeling in my chest.

"What place is this?" I asked, my eyes filling with wonder.

"Just somewhere I come to practice before my shows," he replied, not bothering to open my door this time. Normal Draven was back.

"Thanks for bringing me here," I said, smiling.

"Woah! What's that you're doing with your mouth?" He asked, and I chuckled. "You're not supposed to smile, you're evil!" He cried.

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