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I walk out of the house, forcing a smile on my face as I turn towards my parents.

"I can't believe you're moving away." Diana says. "Who am I going to talk to when your dad is at work all night?"

I chuckle. "I'm sure you'll find someone to talk to."

"I could always talk to Soulla across the street."


"I know, I know. I was just kidding."

"Oh, right."

She walks over and hugs me.

"We'll meet you at your flat, okay?"

I nod. "I'll see you guys there."

Dad clears his throat. "You won't see me there."

"I know. You couldn't get out of your meeting with the boys."

My chest tightens at the thought of them coming back to Accrington to discuss an album. With my dad of all people.

I figured that after what happened they would find a new producer, but they didn't.

It surprised me.

"I'll visit as much as I can. I promise."

"You're going to university. I expect you to be studying instead of worrying about when the next time you'll see us is."

"I will, I just didn't want you to know that."

"You have more important things to do than worry about your family. Like get a degree."


"Don't Dad me. I know how university is. I've already had one daughter graduate."

I nod.

"Well I better get going. The meeting's in an hour."

I nod, watching as he gets in the car and drives off. 

"We should get going too. We don't want to get caught in too much traffic." Diana says.

"My little sister's all grown up."

I smile at Kennedy. It's a genuine smile too.

Nobody but Mason and Parker have been able to get me to smile in the past few weeks since everything happened.

Diana and my father don't know what happened. They all think that I cheated on Blake and that he left town.

My dad also thinks that Blake hit me when he found out, which is why my dad and I are kind of off with each other right now.

"I'll meet you two there, okay?"

I look over at Diana, nodding. 

I almost cry when Kennedy and I get back inside. All of the memories in this house, whether they were good or bad, helped shape who I am.

There's the chair that Reece always slept in when he, George, Carly, and Parker would stay the night. He refused to sleep if someone else took his chair.

The couch, that I laughed and ate too much ice cream on.

The floor, where there is a pizza stain from when I dropped my pizza as I was laughing at something Blake had said the night I showed him around the city. The first time we hung out.

I shake those memories off, walking back up to my room to grab my purse.

But when I get up there, the only thing on the wall makes my heart break.

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