accidents dont just happen accidentally

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Levi's PoV:

I woke up cuddled into eren with the kats in between us. Artemis was snuggled into Eren and I got a little bit jealous. Don't laugh at me, Eren is mine! I moved Artemis and Winona out of the way and shuffled closer to Eren.

"Getting a little bit jealousy are we?" Oh god he's awake, time to get embarrassed. My face turned red and I moved my head closer to eren to hide my face.

"They are not allowed to be too close to you because you are mine! Not theirs" I glared at Artemis and Winona.

"I am not going to kiss a cat on the lips am I?!" Winona hissed and Eren groaned.

"Tch...whatever you say" I then looked over at the kittens "I'm warning you, don't ever kiss Eren" they just looked at me and tilted their heads.

I sighed and kissed Eren on the nose not wanting to move because I was too cosy. He had his warm arms wrapped around me and my head was rested in the crook of his neck. "Let's get up Levi"

"NO" I said stubbornly.

"Suit yourself then" he stood up and got ready for the day. a minute had passed and I thought that he was going to leave the room until he picked me up in his arms and strided out through the door.

"W-wait what are you doing ErEn?!"

"You wouldn't move so I am carrying you there"

"But I'm still in my pjs"

"Your fault" he kissed me on the head "you wouldn't move so this is your punishment" I groaned loudly and tried to get out of his grip but he held me firmly.

"Eren let go! They will pick on me"

"Don't worry I will beat them to shreds if they do" I was wearing black leggings and a white baggy shirt, not to mention that my hair was messy and all over the place. I swear that if they don't bully me then that would be a lucky day. We entered the hall and we got many weird stares, questions and laughs but I just whines and shuffled closer to Eren.

"Ereeeenn, put me down"

"No" he walked to the front of the hall and asked for everyone's attention. Oh god.

"Hehem...if you were wondering why I am carrying a tired looking Levi into the hall it is because he refused to get up out of bed because he wanted to cuddle also he got jealous of our ki-"

"NO Eren no that's Embarrassing"

"He got jealous of our kittens because they were snuggling too close to me" Everyone erupted into laughter and I just gave Eren a death glare before I tackled him and tickled him constantly whilst he squirmed and laughed his head off. "You will pay for that Jeager" this soon turned into a ticketing fight before Eren stood up and grabbed my arm before dragging me towards a table where we would eat.

"Eren no the floor is dirty and disgusting please stoppp!" He finally let go of my arm and I ran out of the hall to go and clean up. He is going to pay for that.

When I finally reentered the hall everyone was looking at me and laughing but I didn't care in fact I actually and a smirk on my face as I walked towards Eren who was sitting with Sasha, historia and Hanji. I sat down and got my plan ready, not caring to eat anything, I waited for everyone to pick on me. It did not take long before everyone was staring at me and talking behind my back so I stood up and walked out. Everyone must have thought that I was sulking because I heard them laughing but instead I ran in with a massive hose pipe and sprayed everyone with water before chucking flour on all of them.

"That is what you get! I did warn you, you little brats" I then walked out leaving them gobsmacked and mad but it wasn't over yet...

Oh god they are going to have one hell of a day waiting for them. I smirked evilly...

I waited by the entrenched to the eating hall and I laughed inside at each and everyone one of them as they walked out all covered in flour, even Eren. I laughed loudly at jean because he looked like a miserable horse that had rolled around in the dust but then accidentally fell on horse poo.

Eren was glaring daggers at me but I just smirked and ran away to my room. I had stolen some of hanjis 'potions' and poured random ones into everyone's drinks. I rubbed my hands together mischievously and waited for the best part. I may be going a bit over the top but I did not care, people need to learn to not humiliate me in front of everyone.

Eren finally came into the room and went into the shower yet again. When he came out he was still the same. I wonder when this potion is actually going to start wor-


The sound of a scream came from the room next door and I ran quickly to the room with Eren following close by. There stood Mikasa in the middle of the room the size of a 2 year old CHILD! I snickered as I heard more gasps and whimpers coming from other rooms not too far away. "Levi what did you do now?"

"People need to learn to not humiliate humanity's strongest" I turned around to face him only to see him with cat ears and a tail. "Aww you look adorable" I kissed him on the lips as I was unable to resist his cuteness.

I walked out the room and went to the training grounds so that I could run for a bit until lunch time.

A couple of hours past and I went back to have a shower. The shower was relaxing on my sweaty skin as it washed the stress away. My feet hit the floor again and I basically ran towards the eating hall earlier than usual as I wanted to see what everyone looked like. As I entered I saw many children, neko, dog ears and tail, some kept blabbering on about their opinion on everything and everyone but there was no paralysed people.

That one might not work...

Ok that it is a bad place to end it but oh well... I will update again soon. :)

Also thanks for the reads I really appreciate it a lot

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