it was night and now its day

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~The next day~

Eren's PoV:

I awoke to the sound of heavy footsteps and I startled awake from the dusty, bitter cold floor, the footsteps neared and I put my head against the caged prison. "Captain Levi?"

"No it is Erwin" a deep calm voice called back to me and I tensed remembering the night before. "Levi is in the hall eating his breakfast, I assume he had just come back from supervising you, anyway it is time for you to get up. I want you to be in the hall in five minutes" he ordered and I heard him retreat up the stairs. "Also, Levi wants a word he said for you to be in his office after you have eaten"

What did Levi want to talk about? Was it about the night before? I need to apologise, maybe that is what he wants.

I got changed and nervously headed up the dusty stairs towards the mess hall. I doubtfully entered the large hall and I was greeted with tones of unwanted stares and whispers, I could smell the fresh taste of food and water and as much as I tried to hide it I could tell that they noticed my uncomfortableness. I kept my head down as I walked towards an empty table feeling the loneliness without Mikasa or Armin, I just got on with eating my bread thinking about Levi.

My head flew back when a rough object hit my face and I hissed in pain, looking down to where the said object had fallen I saw a roll of bread and I mentally screamed at myself for my lack of courage. Laughs erupted all around me and I looked up to see Connie on his back laughing "throw more Reiner" they had obviously spread around lies about me and I saw Reiner move back his arm and I braced myself for the next hit, but it never came...and when I looked up I gasped when I saw Levi holding his arm back and sneering up at Reiner, by now all the attention was in Levi as his signature bored voiced penetrated everyone's ears "Reiner, Eren with me now" I started sweating and my feet slowly made contact with the floor, hesitantly I shuffled along the beige tiles, quickly followed by an unfazed looking Reiner.

I did not struggle to look above Levi's head, trying to get an idea of where we were going, as soon as that thought had entered my mind however, Levi had grabbed Reiners collar and lifted him up. If Reiner was unfazed then, he definitely looks petrified now because his eyes that once showed amusement now suggested fear when a drip of sweat cascaded down his rough skin and helplessly falling onto his alabaster shirt.

Levi's monotone voice caught me out of my trance and I was shocked when those words escaped his mouth "how dare you! I swear if you do that again, I will kill you on the spot! He might turn TITAN with anger did that never cross your mind?" My smile faded as the last sentence was said so he only cares about me because I might turn into a Titan just then captain Levi had punched Reiner in the face causing him to flinch "captain Levi stop!" Heicho turned to look at me as he gave one final punch to Reiner before he let him scurry away back into the hall where people had obviously heard the scene.

"Brat follow me" He ordered and walked in ahead to his office. As soon as the door had opened Heicho had grabbed hold of my arms and pinned me against the wall and I blushed a crimson colour "Jaeger if you ever tell anyone about what happened last night then I will honestly kill you"

"I promise captain no one will ever know"

"I don't believe you Jaeger" he muttered and tightened his grip on my wrists causing a dribble of blood to smother itself on my pale skin"there is something about you that I just don't get and I am going to find out what it is" there was an uncomfortable silence inside the room before he spoke again more to himself than me "you are confusing" his hands had left my wrists and we were left standing so close to one another. My face had now turned beetroot red with embarrassment of the situation.

"I am sorry Heicho"I looked into his misty eyes, wanting my apology to get a reaction from him, I will not be surprised if he does not forgive me "I must have caused you pain when I asked that question, I hope you can forgive me"

His eyes softened slightly as he took a step back, I could almost see a battle going on inside his head and before he answered he looked back at me and muttered "you are forgiven. Now hurry up and get out before I change my mind, training starts soon"

A smile formed on my face and I slowly exited the spotless room...

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