I've seen the sights, I've had delights on every foreign shore,

But when my mates all ask me the place that I adore,

I tell them right away.

Mum is laughing now and I know she's enjoying herself.

"Come on, you've got to sing along," I say quickly before the chorus starts. She just laughs but my smile grows as I here her join in with me.

Give me a home among the gum trees,

With lots of plum trees, a sheep or two, a k-kangaroo.

A clothes line out the back, veranda out the front,

And an old rocking chair

We of course accompany our pitch perfect singing with amazing dance moves and by the time the song finishes we are cracking up laughing.

"Okay you are right. Home Among the Gumtrees is definitely a classic," mum says as she turns onto another street.

"What do I keep telling you, I'm more than just a pretty face," I laugh as I gesture to myself.

"Hey, ask me that question one more time," mum says excitedly. I'm confused for a second but then I realise.

"Are we there yet?" I question slyly.

"Yes!" mum yells as we pull up to where the wedding will be held.

"So, this is where we are going to be staying tonight?" I question, looking up at the building.

"It sure is baby girl," mum says as she parks the car and gets out to grab our things.

When I step out of the car, I take a moment to admire the building in front of me. It is absolutely gorgeous. You can tell that it is quite old but it has been kept in such good condition, I feel as though maybe I shouldn't go in, like it is something that needs to be sheltered and protected.

Turning around, I go to help mum. I didn't realise until now how excited I am for this wedding and something tells me that it is going to be a good one.

I stay in my room until it is time for the wedding. Yeah, I know. You're probably thinking wow this girl is so rude but honestly, I have had enough socialising in the last week or so to last me a lifetime and so if I'm going to survive the day talking to all of our relatives, I'm going to need to save all of my conversational skills, which mind you is very minimal. I would go out if Lizzy and Grace were here but I know they won't be showing up until the last minute and they aren't even staying the night so that's a bit sucky. Just because Lizzy has a cast on her leg and it will be hard for her to walk up and down stairs blah, blah, blah.

I lay on my bed for ages doing absolutely nothing productive and before I know it, it is time to get ready.

I have done my hair and makeup, going for very light, minimal makeup because I feel like anything too heavy in this heat will just sweat off. My hair is curled and mum has helped me pin it. I walk over to the bathroom where I've hung my dress up on the shower rail and bring it back into the room. I went for a navy-blue dress which hugs my body and I honestly don't care if people think it doesn't suit me because I love it.

Mum walks in and seems to be in a rush. She asks me to help her get ready and I move into action right away. I curl her hair like mine and try my best to pin it back for her. Unfortunately for her I'm not as talented in that department. I put her make-up on and go and grab her dress for her. She's wearing a long black maxi dress which has some silver detailing on it. She looks absolutely stunning.

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