Chapter Fourteen

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Everything seems to be going really well. We got home from Jessie and Shay's wedding and they took off for their honeymoon, choosing the classic destination of Bali. Mum, Lizzy and Grace are all fully up to date with the Mason details and they honestly seem more excited than me. Speaking of Mason. Today we are going on a date. Like a real date and I am so pumped for it. He is picking me up around 1 o'clock because he says he wants to spend the day together before we have dinner. Of course, my heart melted.

I'm currently just getting my things ready. He told me bathers are a necessity so I have put on a white one piece which has pink flowers on it and a criss-cross pattern between my breasts where you can see my chest. Don't worry about seeing my boobs though because there really isn't anything to see. Mental note, look up the itty-bitty titty committee.

On top of my bathers, I've thrown on a white shirt and a pair of black shorts. I have a bag ready with sunscreen (which I have already put on because I do not intend to get sunburnt again), a towel, a bottle of water and my sunglasses.

I'm assuming we are going to the beach which is totally cool by me because I love the beach and anything that has to do with swimming really. I've always loved the water, so much so that I passed level one in swimming lessons on the first day. Mum calls me her water baby.

I hear the door bell ring and I race down and throw the door open. Mason is standing there looking handsome as ever. I slip my thongs on which are sitting by the door and get ready to leave when we hear mum running down the hall.

"Wait a second you guys!" she yells, stopping to catch her breath when she gets to us, "I need a photo."

"Really mum," I groan.

"Yes really. Now smile all pretty for your mum," she says as she brings the camera up on her phone.

I stand next to Mason and he slips an arm around my waist and we smile for the picture. At least we were prepared for this one I suppose.

"Okay thank you. Now you can go," she says as she shoes us out the door.

Mason is the perfect gentleman. He opens my door for me then races around to the driver's side and jumps in.

"So where are we going?" I question as we take off down the road.

"It's a surprise," he says back, winking at me.

"My money is on the beach."

"I guess you will just have to wait and see."

We listen to music and sing way off tune but neither of us care. I get distracted looking at Mason. He always seems so calm and always appears to have control of every situation. How does he do that? I wish I had a quality like that but instead I'm the one who usually makes the situation go haywire. I look off into the distance and Jessie and Shay pop into my head. I wonder how they are going. I hope they are enjoying themselves. I wonder if they clicked like me and Mason have. I could only wish to have a relationship like there's.

Bringing my attention back to the present moment, I start looking around at my surroundings and see we are definitely not going to the beach because we are now surrounded by the bush. Eventually, we pull in somewhere and I read the sign. Serpentine Falls.

"Oh my gosh! I haven't been here since I was a kid," I say excitedly.

Mason just laughs at me as he pays the parking fee and parks the car. I jump out of the car with a new-found sense of energy. We grab our stuff and I wave to all of the kangaroos that we pass.

"You don't have to wave to every single one," Mason laughs.

"Hi Miss kangaroo, hello Mr. Kangaroo. I most certainly do, I don't want anyone to feel left out," I say back as I continue to say hi to them all. "You know, Lizzy told me that you should always wave at magpies and I guess all birds in general because they judge you to decide whether or not they like you so I have just fully taken on her advice and am now using it on every animal, just to be safe."

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