Chapter Seventeen

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Fast forward to Christmas

Christmas was great. It is one of my most favourite times of the year. Everyone is always in such good spirits and present giving is one of my favourite things to do. We had an awesome spread all thanks to mum and now I'm just waiting for Mason. He had Christmas with his family so we decided to catch up for a little bit afterwards. I know he has something planned because mum has been acting weird all afternoon.

Mason pulls up and hops out of his car. I get up to meet him but he tells me to just stay their so I sit back down and wait for him. He joins me and takes my hand, us both just sitting in the silence for a few minutes.

"Okay. I have something for you," he says as he pulls a white envelope out of his jacket.

I take it from him cautiously, giving him a funny look. He's acting strange too. All nervous. What could possibly be in here to have both him and mum acting so strangely?

I pull it out and there is a cute card with a glittery snowman on the front saying 'Merry Christmas'. I open the card and inside are two plane tickets.

"What are these for?" I question, shocked at this gift.

"They're for America," he says back, giving me a hopeful smile, "I just want you to try and get your dream job. I don't want you to ever have to settle for less than you deserve and want."

"How could you afford this?" I question.

"Extra shifts at work, lots and lots of savings, plus your mum helped with the accommodation so I can't take all the glory."

"This is far too much, I can't accept this."

"You can and you will."

I sit there quietly for a moment just trying to process everything that has happened in the last 10 minutes.

"So you would come with me?" I ask as I double check there are two tickets there.

"Only if you want me to," he says back with a half-smile.

"And my mum is okay with this?" I question coming around to the idea.

"We both want to see you achieve everything you want and more."

"So America."

"America." He says back and I see that he is smiling now. I lean over and kiss him, long and hard.

"Thank you," I whisper to him, keeping my eyes closed for a little bit longer.

"You're welcome Ava," he says back as he gives me another kiss.

"So when do we leave?" I questions as I lean apart from him.


My heart beats faster and I can feel myself freaking out a little bit. This was never something I had thought about as a reality and now I'm leaving tonight. But in my heart, I know that this is an opportunity that I have to accept because even if I fail, at least I will know and I won't always be wondering what if?

"I guess I'd better start packing," I say as I stand up and hold my hand out for him to take. Mason smiles at me as we walk inside and I hear a thud as we open the door. Mum appears from behind it and smiles sheepishly at us. She was very obviously listening in but it's okay because I would have done the exact same thing had I have been in her situation.

Mum and Mason help me to pack my bags which mum already has a checklist for which I am thankful for because I know I would have forgotten everything important. Mason runs out to his car to grab his suitcases and transfers them to mum's car. He pulls his car up and parks it down the side of the house where it is going to be staying for the time being.

It all seems so surreal and everything keeps changing from moving in slow motion to fast forward. We hop into mum's car and Mason lets me have the front seat for the first time in history and we drive through the night to the airport. Mum and Mason chat away but I don't contribute much because my mind is currently going at a hundred miles per minute. I watch the cars speed past us and let myself enjoy what is going to happen. This is a good thing. America. I know the chances of me becoming a successful actress is slim and most likely impossible but there is no moment like the present and I can feel myself getting excited.

And hey, I am the queen of defying the impossible.

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