Chapter Ten

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"Make sure to keep your head back when we jump and don't forget to take in the view," a voice says casually into my ear.

Looking around, I try to think about how I got here but my mind is blank and it seems I don't have much time to think about it because before I know it my legs are hanging out of the plane and the man strapped to my back is getting us into position.

"3, 2, 1" the voice in my head set says and before I even have time to process what is happening, we are free falling out of a plane.

I close my eyes and when I open them, I am no longer falling through the sky.

I can't see anything; the room is pitch black. I move my hands over the walls, trying to find something, anything to give me an idea of where I am. I find a light switch and flick it on, taking in my surroundings.

There is nothing in the room except for a table which I recognise as the one I've been sitting at from Food for the People.

I take a seat but hear a noise behind me so I turn to look back but nothing is there. I turn back around to the table and see there is now a plate in front of me with a silver cover on top of it. Lifting the lid, a single not lies on the plate. Opening it, it reads 'you look gorgeous. -M.'

Who the hell is M?

I slam the lid down which causes a change in scenery.

Now I am in a book store, stacking away books. As I put each one away I read the titles. 'He Loves Me', 'He Loves Me Not'.

Dropping the books, I run to the closest door but when I push it open I end up back in the plane, preparing myself to jump out. The whole process starts over again with no end in sight.

The cycle continues until I can't take it anymore and I end up screaming.

Opening my eyes, I sit up in bed.

What the hell did that mean?

Mental note, research dreams and what they mean.

"Are you sure it wasn't just a bad dream? I mean I have nightmares all the time but it doesn't always mean they represent something," Lizzy says as she stares at me from the floor.

"I'm telling you, there is an underlying message here and I'm going to find it," I say as I click onto another website claiming to be able to decode your dreams.

"I just don't see how falling out of a plane can represent your life in any way?"

"Just let me think for a minute," I say waving a dismissive hand at her as I continue reading.

"Okay, well this sight says a repeated cycle could mean that you feel as though you are stuck in life and are having trouble moving on and/or it could mean that you feel like you're doing the same things every day."

"But that doesn't make any sense. Your life is like a rollercoaster, something different happening at every turn."

"Yeah but what about the dates? I keep going on them and going on them but they all seem to have the same outcome."

"It's possible but don't you think it's a bit of a stretch? Are you really that traumatised by your dates that you're having nightmares about them now?"

"Well I wouldn't say I'm traumatised but I don't seem to be getting anywhere with them either. Oh. What about this one. If you are running away from something or are falling it could symbolise that there is something in your life that you are trying to avoid or your subconscious is trying to keep you from realising."

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