"Hey?" Tyson said. I immediately hugged him. He was only fourteen but he was as tall as me, not that that is much of an achievement. He hugged me back.

"Thank you," I whispered into his ear. He was the only person who knew about Hellen and her hitting me before. Mainly because I ran straight into him once it happened I then told him everything. All the Jackson's don't like her but not even Percy knows she hit me, but he knows most of it.

"I saw it getting a little heated and stepped in." He said. I looked up at him and opened my mouth to respond but Percy interrupted.

"Where is my hug?!" I hadn't seen him come over.

"You get one once you've apologized." I said and buried my head back into Tyson's shirt. He smelled like books, that's how we bonded. Books. Percy huffed and Tyson chuckled. Then Percy made me even madder. He picked me up and spun me around. He must have been really strong to carry all that fabric. I gritted my teeth.

"Perseus Jackson put me down. NOW." I hissed in his ear to not draw even more attention to myself. He put me down smiling like a child.

"I'm in pain right now so you can find a girlfriend so go dance with someone," I said as calmly as I could. He just pouted and walked over to some girl.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had six balls in an attempt for Percy to find a wife to make an heir. Normally the heir to Illea has a selection around a month or two before their 18th birthday. But Percy doesn't like the selection he says he wants to find someone on his own and not in the public eye. So this is the last chance he has to find someone if he doesn't find someone tonight then he is picking 35 names out of a bowl in two days. The council had decided this because they have the power and can even tell the King and Queen what to do.

"Care to dance?" Tyson asked. I nodded and we headed out. After a few dances, my feet were numb with pain so I went over to sit down. Just as I sat down Zoe came bounding over to me.

"Bethy!" She squealed and jumped onto my lap.

"Hey Zo-Zo, enjoying the dance?" I asked.

"Meh, after the 3rd one it got boring. But look at my dress!" she said getting up and spinning around.

Her dress is the pink one up top.

"Oh my, you look stunning!" I said placing a hand to my heart as Sally walked over.

"Hello, ladies." She said and sat down. Her eyes reflecting happiness and warmth. Gods I wanted her to be my mum so I never had to see that witch again.

"I think Paul wanted to talk to you." She told me. I got up, curtsied to Zoe and walked off to find Paul. But I didn't find him. I did find Mathew over at the buffet with a flute of champagne though. I ran over to him and took it out of his hand.

"Hey!" He protested.

"Go find Bobbie and destroy something else." I hit him upside the head.

"And don't try that again." He ran off and I continued my search. Again, didn't get very far.

I felt someone's eyes on me I tried to ignore it but I couldn't shake the feeling. I gave up and looked around. But all I saw was the usual; Boys and lots of them all looking at me. Raking their eyes over me. This had happened every dance so I was not worried. I was bothered by it before but not now. Then I spotted Hellen. She was with my dad and giving me some really dirty looks. I'm immediately scared. But then my dad turns around and beckons me over. I had no choice but to come.

"Hey, Dad," I said nervously.

"Hey, smarty I want you to meet some people." He said. I turned to face them and knew straight away I was doomed. They all had this glint in there eyes like I'm meat.

"Um, I wish I could stay but Queen Sally asked me to find King Paul so I will see you later." I said and turned around. I ran away as fast as I could. I was so focused on the ground that I didn't see the guard in front of me and I ran straight into him.

"Ouch, sorry!" I said.

"It's okay." He said. Then I recognized him.

"Luke! Thank heavens it's you!" I gave him a big hug. Luke had blonde hair and blue eyes. The only unusual thing about him is his scar. It runs right down the side of his face. He had been at the palace for a very long time. He was a guard just like his dad so I love running into him. He is so nice and I might have had a small crush on him.

"Have you seen Paul?" I asked. He nodded and pointed to the other side of the room. I thanked him and ran in that direction. I know I'm not supposed to run but I wanted to get away from all the hungry eyes. I passed everyone and had to talk with everyone but eventually, I made it to Paul.

"Hi," I said whilst trying to catch my breath. I now have a lot of respect for women who run in heels.

"Hi to you too. This is general toga and..." I stopped listening because I was still dying but I engaged in the conversation eventually. We talked about war and strategy I gave my opinion and they gave there's.


I was done. I was dead, I couldn't go on so I went to the bathroom. I left the ballroom, went right then left, down the stairs and the hall I was almost there when I saw Hellen. She was coming out of the bathroom and she saw me. I froze. Terrified, there were no witnesses, she could kill me and call it an accident, she came over to me and hissed in my face.

"You no-good worthless child! Nobody loves you and no one ever will. I will make sure of it. You are too insignificant to matter to anybody! As soon as we get back I will throw you to the nearest man and say 'Take care of her.'" By the way she was grinning, I could tell that 'Take care of her' would not be fun.

She pushed past me and went back to the ball. I crumbled to the floor as silent tears ran down my face. If she followed through I would have no future. I would lose all the Jacksons and become a lonely dark person. I could only imagine what would happen to me. I cover my arms with my hands and let my hair down to cover my back and shoulders. I push my chest into my knees.

No that is my future. Who is going to stop her? I could always go to Sally but would she want me bugging her with this?

I feel warm arms wrap around my waist and I freeze. Who is that? Has she already found someone?

I look up ready to punch them in the face. But it's just Percy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was talking with Tyson when he shoved me out and said to find you?" He said but it came out as more of a question.

"He said something about Hellen?" I wanted to tell him but I couldn't.

"I'm fine," I say but he doesn't buy it. I hate the way he can read me like an open book.

"No you're not, tell me what happened." He said.


"Hellen, I made her mad and now she has threatened to give me a way to the closest man as soon as she gets back from her holiday." He was a little shocked.

"I don't know what to do, I can't stop her only my dad can and he won't so I'm screwed!" I yell into his shirt. He pats my head.

"Don't worry about a thing she won't touch you. I won't let her." He said and I could breathe again I knew Percy would take care of me. And just like that, I fell asleep.

{Enjoy reading I will post soon}

Angel xx

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