Authors Notes

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As I'm sure is the same for everyone who writes here on Wattpad, a lot of myself was put into this story. In fact, there's a huge chunk of this story taken straight from my own personal life, as well as that of my friends. Involving all the characters! The names have been changed to protect the guilty, and I don't want everyone to hate me! So there's no way I'll ever tell which stories are real and which are made up, though guesses are more than welcome!

It's been a long road with this story, having gone through many different changes and many rewrites. But I'm so lucky to have some amazing friends on this site who have supported me through this and given me all the inspiration needed to get this out there, as well as the time to take a break when its been needed and for that I am eternally grateful.

I don't know where I go from here as an author, as this may have been the story that I always wanted to write, but wherever this journey goes, I'll always remember one thing.

Just like Dean said at the end there, there are no rules in books. If you want to write something then you write it. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you shouldn't. When I pitched this story idea to someone, I was basically told that it wasn't a great concept and not all that interesting. Now I am not really the type to praise himself but I kinda feel like I proved them wrong.

You write for you. And if anyone disagrees, then like Eddie would say: "They can go and fu. . ." Well . . . you know what I mean!

P.S. I've always wanted to end a story with the word "Bastards". This is what dreams are made of.

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