"I will. Thank you."

She leaned in to hug her and she accepted it gratefully, even though it made her suddenly self-conscious about the state she was in. She hadn't showered or changed out of her pajamas since Monday, and her face was still wet with tears.

By the time her dad came home from work, Lauren was curled up on the couch wrapped in a blanket, drinking tea. Things were still very much not okay, but she had to find a way to survive the next five weeks without falling apart. Camila would need her strong when she returned.


"I forgot to tell you, I called that correction facility yesterday," Lauren's dad said over lunch on Saturday.

Lauren's head shot up. "Did you find a way to get Camila out?"

"No, sorry kiddo. But I wanted to check on her. They said that she's fine and isn't causing any trouble. That's good."

"Of course she isn't causing any trouble." Lauren frowned. "When did Camila ever cause any trouble?"

Her dad sighed, as if regretting starting the topic. "Lauren... those places are rough. If she's good, there's a bigger chance nothing bad happens to her there. I just wanted to make sure."


The bit of salad she'd managed to eat suddenly felt like lead in Lauren's stomach. She put away her fork. "I'm not feeling well. I have to lie down for a bit." She saw her mom and dad exchange worried glances, but she didn't stop. She needed to be alone. Now, before the tears came again.

Normally, Lauren would seek comfort in her family. But now, with so much she hadn't told them, how could she? They didn't know how important Camila had become to her. They didn't know that the only reason Camila had been at the mall at all – not to mention, alone – was because Lauren had made a rash decision to talk to her about New York, and then backpedaled, leaving Camila confused and probably terrified, unsure what was happening. It had been a cruel thing to do for the ten minutes Lauren was away, let alone six weeks. And it didn't matter that it wasn't intentional cruelty. Thoughtlessness was just as bad.

Lauren was still curled up on her bed three hours later, for the hundredth time going through everything that she should have done differently, when her phone chirped with an incoming message. She reached for it out of instinct more than interest.

Come outside.

The text was from an unknown number and Lauren frowned at it before pressing the call button. The phone was picked up on the first ring.

"Please tell me you're home and can come outside," a vaguely familiar voice said before Lauren could get out a word.

"I'm sorry, who is this?"

"It's Austin. Come on, I have something for you." There was a smile in his voice. "Don't make us wait."

Lauren had never ran down the stairs so fast. It was a miracle she didn't trip in her socked feet and fall face first down the steps. Ignoring her dad's surprised expression, she sped to the door, wrenched it open and ran out onto the lawn–

And immediately found herself with an armful of Camila. Lauren pulled her closer and held her tight, stroking her heaving back as Camila shook with her face hidden on Lauren's shoulder.

"Oh god, you're here," Lauren whispered, hardly able to believe it. "You're okay. It's okay, I've got you now. You're safe." She wasn't sure if it was Camila she was reassuring or herself, but it didn't matter. Camila was back.

"How did you manage to get her out?" Lauren's dad asked from the doorway. Lauren looked up to see Austin standing a few steps away.

"My father is a state attorney," Austin said. "I told him what happened and got him to pull some strings. I would have done it sooner but he was out of state until yesterday. I'm sorry it took so long. I'm really sorry it happened at all."

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