"Please get dressed.."

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Guys I'm so so sorry for this late update, my grandfather died a month ago and with me starting University I lost track of time, I'll update soon the other stories too give me some time. Thank you for voting!

"It's high time we went and bought some proper clothes for Camila," Lauren announced over breakfast on the last Saturday of January. "We're invited over to Taylor and Selena's next weekend, and there's no way I'll have Camila visit anyone in oversized hand-me-downs. Anyone wants to come with?"

Predictably, no one did, so it was just Lauren and Camila that got into the car an hour later and started towards the Miami Mall.

Truth be told, the hand-me-downs weren't even that oversized anymore. Camila had filled out nicely since November, and though she was still on the thin side, it looked like Lauren's old clothes would be just the right size for her soon. They would never be quite the right fit, though – Camila's build was different from hers – and Lauren couldn't wait to put her in nice new clothes bought specifically for her. She had plenty of ideas for both colors and styles to try.

She was excited for the upcoming visit, too. Ever since her New Year's Eve revelation, Lauren felt like her attraction towards Camila was growing stronger every day, and she didn't know what to do about it. She certainly didn't feel ready to reveal it to anyone, especially Camila. But every time Camila smiled at her happily, or said "Yes, Camila" in that sweet, reverent way of hers, or even just looked up at her with eyes so wide and earnest, Lauren's heart felt like it was close to overflowing with feelings, and surely someone was bound to notice soon. Considering how much time they were spending together, there was a risk that someone would be Camila herself.

Lauren had to talk to Selena. Selena had been though this, so she'd know what to do. Next Sunday couldn't come soon enough. Until then, Lauren needed distractions, and shopping for clothes was bound to be one of the best there was.

Or so she thought – up until the moment Camila stepped out of the changing room in the first of several outfits Lauren had chosen for her to try on, and Lauren's jaw, quite literally, dropped.

Camila looked fantastic in slim jeans and a simple, well-fitted polo shirt. Her hair had been styled with a little product before they left, her bowtie collar sat snug and elegant around her neck, and she didn't look like a slave at all – just like a regular teenage girl, stunning with her bright eyes and a shy smile; a girl that Lauren would love to ask out on a date if she dared, and hold her hand, and kiss her goodnight.

Oh boy. This day was going to be torture.

Lauren cleared her throat. "Okay, the pants are perfect, we're taking them. The shirt is a maybe. Show me the red one next, please."

"Yes, Lauren," Camila said sweetly and smiled her beautiful smile, looking up at her from beneath her long lashes. "I'm sorry I'm taking so long and wasting your time on waiting," she added before disappearing behind the changing room curtain.

In the end, they didn't buy too much. Lauren loved a lot of what Camila modeled for her, but she suppressed the urge to purchase everything and chose only the best instead. Camila would need spring clothes soon enough, probably in a bigger size, too, so Lauren decided to save a good chunk of what she'd received for Camila's clothes from her mom for then. Right now, a couple of nice basic shirts and pants, and a pair of good quality shoes would suffice.

The main goal of their trip achieved, Lauren considered visiting a few more stores to look for some new additions to her own wardrobe. But first, a short break was in order. She was getting hungry and Camila looked tired, though happy. A quick lunch at Subway sounded like a great idea.

Worthless (Camren)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant