"It's Warm"

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Lauren took a deep breath as she hung up, she turned towards Camila again. The other girl had stopped running her fingers over the blanket and was looking quietly at her feet.

"Come on," she sighed, standing up. "Let's go get in the car." Camila nodded and pulled her knees up to her chest, leaning back against the back of the trunk.

"Oh, erm... no, Camila, I want you to sit in the car, okay?" Lauren explained.

"I'm sorry." Camila didn't hesitate to get out of the trunk for a second, but she looked a little confused at Lauren's request.

SHe started swaying precariously after taking one step towards the car door. Lauren reached out to steady her by her upper arm, which made Camila freeze for a second, but with Lauren's support she made it to the backseat where Lauren sat her down next to Dinah.

Dinah immediately reached out and helped her put on her seatbelt. Lauren couldn't help but notice that Camila didn't flinch when Dinah touched her, she was grateful for that.

"Normani?" SHe asked the girl who was still standing next to Dinah's open car door. "Do you mind driving us home? My dad will take you and Dinah to your house."

"Sure," Normani said, giving Dinah's cheek one last affectionate stroke before she closed the back door and opened the one at the driver's seat. Lauren handed her the keys and sank into the passenger's seat with a sigh, she was so glad her dad was going to help her.

SHe looked back at Camila through the side mirror as they drove. Dinah seemed to have taken a shine to her and was whispering softly to her. Lauren couldn't make out much of what she said and she didn't really want to eavesdrop on them, but whatever she was saying seemed to relax Camila a little.

When Normani parked the car in front of the Jauregui residence, the front door swung open to reveal a worried looking Mike Jauregui, who rushed out to pull his daughter into a hug. Normani told Dinah to stay in her seat as she got out of the car and joined father and daughter on the front lawn.

Lauren let go of her father reluctantly just to find her arms full of Normani. "Thank you, Lo, take good care of her!"

"Don't worry, Mani, it'll just give you premature wrinkles", she answered, earning herself a giggle. Normani released her and got into the vacated passenger's seat.

Lauren opened the door next to Camila's seat. The other girl had been watching them, no doubt, but her gaze was now lowered respectfully once more. Lauren carefully guided her out of the car by her upper arm once more.

"Camila", Lauren addressed her softly "This is my dad." Camila looked up for a brief moment at Mike before looking down again and Lauren was pretty sure that her hand on Camila's arm was the only thing keeping Camila from dropping to her knees in front of Mike. "It's an honor to meet you, Sir!" SHe said instead.

"It's good to meet you too, kid, I'm glad you're here." Mike said in a warm tone. SHe smiled at her dad gratefully.

"Why don't you help her get cleaned up a little while I drive Normani and her new friend home?" Mike suggested. Lauren nodded and watched her dad climb into the driver's seat. SHe quickly guided Camila into the house, suddenly painfully aware that the girl wasn't wearing any shoes, Camila had to be freezing. Lauren closed the front door behind them, glad to escape from the cruel world outside.

As soon as she released her careful grip on Camila's arm the slave girl dropped to her hands and knees , the blanket falling off her back.

"What ... what are you doing?" Lauren asked, she could see the muscles in Camila's bony back stiffen at the question. SHe didn't need to see the dread in Camila's face to know that the other girl thought she had done something wrong.

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