"Lauren... thank you."

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"... and then of course Lucy had to tell Miss Lovato – that's the substitute teacher we've had for History this week – about the test we were supposed to have tomorrow. So I have her to thank for the fact that I'll be studying tonight instead of having a nice relaxed evening," Lauren said between mouthfuls of her salad. There was a hum of acknowledgement in the phone pressed to her ear, and a quiet clink of cutlery against a plate indicating that the person at the other end of the line was eating, too. Lauren smiled. "But don't worry, Camila, I will still have time to bake cookies with you like I promised."

"Thank you, Lauren!" Even Camila's carefully controlled tone couldn't hide her excitement. She'd only helped Lauren with baking twice so far, some muffins and banana bread, but it looked like she really enjoyed it.

Lauren grinned around the last forkful. Then her eyes fell on the clock over the door and she sighed.

"Okay, my lunch break is almost over, I have to go. You just finish eating and then do whatever you feel like doing, okay? I'll be back after four."

"Yes, Lauren. Thank you."

Lauren disconnected and gathered the containers from her lunch to throw them in the trash on her way out of the astronomy classroom where she was hiding.

Almost two weeks had passed since that first day Camila stayed home alone when Lauren went to school. Things had mostly been peaceful since then. Camila could finally eat what everyone else did and while she was still much too thin, she no longer looked like the exhausted shadow of a girl Lauren had brought home that November afternoon. Her cuts and bruises were mostly healed now, and even the swelling in her knees had gone down almost completely. She was doing much better overall, but Lauren still preferred to call home during her lunch breaks to make sure Camila was okay. They usually ended up eating together on the phone.

Lauren slipped into the cafeteria five minutes before the bell. Most of the Choir club had already finished eating and were now sitting around the table – Chris and Liam gesticulating wildly as they discussed some football strategy, Lucy with her nose buried in a book, with Keana in her usual spot at her feet. Harry was whispering urgently to Hailee, his face pale and grim as it often was lately. Normani was still absent, probably lost on the phone with Dinah in some quiet corner. The only times she and Lauren ate lunch with the rest of the choir club in the last weeks had been those few days when Normani brought Dinah over to Lauren's house for the day so that the two slaves could keep each other company while their owners were at school.

Not that anyone noticed, really. There was always more than enough drama surrounding the members of their tiny club. People skipping lunch weren't high on the scale.

The bell announced the end of the lunch break and their whole group gathered their things to move to their respective classrooms. Only three more classes and Choir, and then Lauren would be able to go home. The thought made her smile.

"So, you and Normani?" A familiar voice sounded right behind her. She turned, startled, and found herself confronted with a no-nonsense, curious face of Hailee.


"Is there a little something-something there?" Hailee wiggled her eyebrows.

Lauren's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?."

"Well, you two keep disappearing at the same times and you both come back all smiley and happy. And she's not half as bitchy with you now as she used to be." Hailee put her hand on Lauren's arm, smiling when she shook her head fervently. "Hey, it's okay, boo. I know I used to have a crush on you, but I'm not jealous, don't worry." She winked and turned away to walk to her next class.

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