We talk back and forth for an hour. "Okay baby, I'll talk to you later, I'll spam you with pictures I took" Cole smiled. "Okay, Cole" I smiled. "BYE ARI!" the boys yell. "Bye guys, love your crazy asses" I laugh. "JUST our asses? See! I knew she was an ass girl!" Sam joked. "Bye guys" I laugh hanging up. I shake my head at my crazy friends and boyfriend. I continue to edit until night. I stretch and walk around a little and get some more food. Colby spammed me with pictures that he took and pictures of the Koala he held. He knows koalas are my favorite animal. I smile going through the pictures. I wish I could have gone.


Today was the day I picked up the boys from the airport. I got changed into a floral black dress that cut to my midthigh. I wore a black burette and my vans. I did my makeup minimal and I drew on fake freckles. I took a snap of my outfit with the caption: getting the boys! I post it and grabbed my jean jacket, purse and keys and drove to the airport. Nerves erupted in my stomach. Why am I nervous? Maybe it's excitement? I have no fucking clue. I tap on my steering wheel to the music. It was packed when I arrived and parked in the parking garage. I got out and walked to the baggage claim where my boys were going to be. Colby texted me.

Cole: I can't wait to kiss you.

Me: I can't wait to kiss you too.

Cole: I'm spending the night I don't care if you don't want me too.

Me: Cole, I want you to spend the night every night if you could.
Cole: Don't tempt me Koala, you know I would.

Me: That sounds pretty great since I haven't seen you in a while.

Cole: Ugh I want to hug you so bad.

Me: You will babe, what time are you landing?

Cole: Soon, I have a gift for you.

Me: Ugh Colby you know I hate gifts...

Cole: I know, but since you didn't come to Australia, I got you a little piece of Aussie.

Me: You're the cutest you know that?

Cole: I try my best baby girl.

Me: Colby...

Cole: What?

Me: I hate it when you call me that...

Cole: But you secretly love it...

Me: Maybe...

I felt my face flush. I love I when he calls me baby girl. When he says it it's sexy?

Cole: I knew it 😉

Me: But I'm not calling you Daddy if that's what your thinking.
Cole: Damn, you would sound hot saying it.

Me: Well in that case.

Cole: Wait, really?

Me: No...

Cole: Damn, well I'll see your sexy ass in a few hours.

Me: Keep it in your pants, baby doll.

Cole: I will put it... fine bye love.

Me: Bye.

I sat on a very, VERY uncomfortable chair waiting for my baby. I bounce my leg up and down in anticipation. I play a game on my phone to waste time. It was almost getting dark when I got a message that Colby was landing and walking to the baggage claim. I smiled and got up and smoothed my dress as I heard Corey's loud voice. I smiled as they walked the corner. Colby's beautiful face lit up and ran towards me. I ran towards him. He hugged me like it was his last. He kissed me like it was our first time. "God, I missed you" Colby said in my neck. I comb my fingers through his soft, thick brunette hair. I giggled as he lifts me and spins me around. "I missed you too" I say as the other guys group hugged me. "We missed you too" Sam says. "I missed your asses too" I laughed as Colby's arm wrapped around my waist and he pats my ass. I look at him and he just shrugged. The guys got their luggage. "Alright, whose ridding shotgun?" I asked. "I am" Sam and Colby stated. I laughed. "Alright, since Colby hasn't been fucked, I say Colby can ride shotgun" Sam said as my face got red. "Guys, we haven't fucked yet and we won't unless she's ready" Colby stated as I helped them with their luggage. "Cole, I was waiting for you" I laugh. "I'm staying at your house then, the fuck" Colby said kissing my lips. I bit his bottom lip knowing it drives him crazy.

Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now