"What's that supposed to mean?" Silica questioned, naturally taking Hange's sentiment as a threat.

"Like I said, fighting Titans and going through the training to do so isn't easy," Hange smiled innocently. "And just in general, the people here can be insufferably dull!"

She let out another dry cackle and turned for the door. Silica kept her eyes transfixed on the back of the woman's ponytail.

"Well," Hange said after finally calming down. "I'll be back here first thing in the morning to take you to Commander Shadis!"

Silica still said nothing to the woman's uniqueness, and in turn, Hange disregarded the cold shoulder and turned out of the room; shutting the door behind her.

Silica let out a sigh of exhilarated relief before turning her attention back to the scenery outside. Despite the late hour, a few — presumably higher ranking — officers trekked the stone courtyard. Silica noticed that some carried rolls of paper under their arms, and others lifted crates across base.

She rose her brow at the sight and found herself curious as to what they were doing. Tapping her fingers against her bare arm, Silica finally came to the conclusion that she was going to give herself a tour instead of waiting for the next morning.

She left her room and strode outside with her hands in her pockets. A few wandering eyes made their way to her as she passed people, which made her think that everyone in that godforsaken place already knew who she was.

Levi, Silica felt a glare form on her face. That bastard.

Silica had never been the one to hold a grudge, and especially not one against her old friend, but betrayal was the one thing that irked her the most.

She sighed for the umpteenth time that night and upturned her gaze, locking it immediately with the stain-glass window plastered to the front of one of the towers in the center of the property. It looked to be an art of one of the Walls' goddesses. Rose, it looked like. Although Silica did spend her whole life underground, she was no stranger to the Wall cults or the Walls in general. Who could be?

Speaking of the underground, Silica couldn't help but think of all of those she was leaving behind as she roamed the grounds of the base. She flashed back to the life she was leaving behind, and felt a twinge of fear at what laid in store for her future. A life above ground was sure to be quite a great deal different than the one she partook in below it, and the additive of being thrown into the role of a soldier didn't ease her worried spirit.

She shook her head, determined to forget about the old her altogether as she continued her nighttime stroll. Maybe forgetting her completely would be a good thing.

Though, she wasn't sure what good the Expeditions would do for her. More death. More fear. She wondered then if she should have taken the jail route, but the mere thought of choosing the cowards way out made her sick to her stomach.

And like an unending cycle, Silica found herself at odds again.

"Delaney," a familiar voice prompted her to look up from the toes of her boots to see Erwin standing before her, a few reports in his hands. "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Silica retorted, sizing him up with her eyes.

"Working," Erwin deadpanned, frowning. "Cadets off duty should be in the dorms. It's passed curfew."

Silica scoffed at that. "I wasn't aware this was a prissy boarding school."

Erwin rolled his eyes, which seemed out of character for him. It was.

To Love a Criminal ((MIKE ZACHARIAS X OC))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt