Chapter 37: Partner in Crime

Start from the beginning

Zia sighed, a bit embarrassed, but at least there weren't that many people. Sky and Emmy stood next to the girl, they somehow got out of being dressed up, much to Zia's annoyance. She didn't enjoy dresses all that much, they're to hard to walk in.

"Zia?" A voice asked as she spun her head to look. There, walking into the room, was KC. Zia internally groaned, why her? "Oh, uh... Hi KC. W-what're you doing here?" She asked, blushing in embarrassment. "I've been looking for Kirlia's family for a while, so I decided we should have a little R&R. Right, Kirlia?" He asked, looking down at the psychic-type who looked excited.

She nodded, agreeing with him. "Cute outfit, by the way." He winked and took a seat, making Zia grumble. "Why is it always me...?" She whispered. "Get on with the show already!" One of the four initial audience members yelled.

"Thank you for your patience. Please allow me to present my magical Pokemon, Exeggcute." Melvin said as the six eggs from earlier jumped up onto a stool next to Zia. Said girl glanced over at Sky, gesturing to the Exeggcute, telling her to record the data. The Luxray got the message and nodded, getting the pokedex pulled up.

Exeggcute: The Egg Pokemon
Using telepathy only they can receive, they always form a cluster of six Exeggcute.

"Now it's time for some Exeggcute juggling." Melvin stated as the six egg-like Pokemon jumped in a circle on his hands. "This is magic?" KC had whispered to Kirlia, who just shrugged. "We don't want juggling!" Another audience member shouted.

"We want to see some magic." "Yeah, do a trick, will you?" Two more people yelled. "Hold on. The best part is coming up. My Pokemon and I are going to do some great magic tricks now, which will 'summaze' and 'apprise' you." Melvin said nervously.

"I think you mean amaze and surprise." Zia whispered. "That's right. See, that's why we make such a great team." He said. "Sure." She replied hesitantly. For the next part, Sky was supposed to stand behind Melvin and let off some electricity, giving off a special effect.

And that's what the Luxray did, though Zia was fairly certain the audience could see some part of the decently sized Pokemon. Then Melvin got out a wand and held it out to the audience. "Raging fire!" He said as a puff of flame ignited before going out, making Zia face palm and everyone else fall over in disappointment.

"That was pathetic!" "You're the worst!" Literally half the audience screamed, since there were only five people. "Just one more try." He pleaded before holding out the wand again. This time, a fire did come out, but it was close to frying the whole room.

"Hey! Be careful!" Zia shouted as she watched everyone duck in their seats or run away. "I can't believe it! It never worked before! Fire!" He said one last time as the fire went up to the smoke detectors. It sensed the heat and smoke and turned on, sending water pouring down throughout the whole room.

Zia just stood there in defeat, soaked to the bone, in her thin dress that didn't provide much cover from the mini rainstorm. Of course, the crowd was enraged as well. "I want my money back." "You're the worst!" They yelled.

They all threw food and trash at him, and even though Zia was a little peeved about the water, she felt bad. They got bored, and started to leave. "Wait. Don't go. The best part is just about to start." Melvin pleaded before a random bottle hit him in the face, knocking him over. Zia winced as he fell.

Zia stood there, a little unsure about what to do. After cleaning up, Zia got a jacket to cover herself as they went back to where they started, behind the building. KC had tagged along as well, wanting to see his friend after so long.

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