"I’m glad you enjoy them, because you haven’t seen the end of them," she said, trying her best to sound cold... which was pretty hard regarding her disposition.

He smiled widely and reached out to her face with both hands, turning it towards his again. They were only inches away, and Draco’s eyes burned fervently into hers. She tried her best to keep pouting, but was failing miserably.

"I’d rather fight with you than be with anyone else."

This time, Maria smiled, her own eyes locked within the depth of his silver ones. Her skin prickled excitedly under his touch and intense stare. She wondered whether this feeling would ever wear off, and if he felt it too. With a quick study of his face, her heart blurted out the answers for her; which were respectively no and yes.


Summer was definitely on its way; the temperature was warming up both outside and inside the castle, only raising the students’ ‘exam fever’. One last week of classes and the students would have to face their end of year tests. One last week of classes that passed way too quickly to both Draco and Maria. With every setting sun, their apprehension for the outrageous task ahead of them grew at an alarming pace. They were dreading the moment Dumbledore would announce his departure to them, which they knew was imminent. They had talked it over more than once and had found very probable the idea that he would wait until after the exams… at least, they hoped they were right. The longer they could postpone it, the better.

And so the days passed by, one by one, while Maria and Draco were set on enjoying every single second. This ‘peace’ wouldn’t last for much longer now, so might as well make the better of it. It was the calmness that precedes every storm.

Maria had just left the Great Hall early and was heading to the greenhouse for her Herbology lesson. She had just set foot outside the castle’s door when a familiar hand slid into hers and pulled her to the side. Maria beamed at the sight of him, her heart skipping the usual beat - but her delighted expression turned into a curious one as she noticed his tense behaviour.

"What’s going on?" she asked more or less casually.

Draco looked down to their feet. She already didn’t approve of what he was about to say.

"I was just thinking about the night to come and -" he looked right into her eyes with a determined and resolute face, "I don’t want you to fight."

They really had a talent for arguing.

"Are you out of your mind!" Maria reproached, flinging her arms about. "Of course I’m going to fight!"

Draco frowned severely.

"I don’t want you to get involved," he repeated firmly. He wouldn’t let her get hurt because of him... again.

"I already am! Besides, since when do I do everything you tell me?"

A Heavenly Betrayal (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now