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Rose came back early the next morning, before anyone was awake. When I had gotten to the Great hall, she was sitting with the twins already and there was a large group around her. I pushed through it, desperately and made it to them.

“Rose!” I exclaimed. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

“I’ll tell you guys later,” she whispered into my ear.

I had a feeling that was what she was going to say. I was anxious to know what happened, but I could wait. It was the last day before the holidays, so it wasn’t a huge learning day. For some teachers, they let us do random games or free spell, where we learn any spell of our choice. Those are my favorite. But others, just decided that we needed homework assignment upon homework assignment. I was saddled with 5 different assignments for over the break, it was tiring to just think about.

We met up outside before dinner, under the big beach tree next to the lake. The twins were already there, both looking varyingly worried. Fred was mostly cheering up George, bewitching snowballs to throw at the poor students passing. But, neither had their heart in it. I crouched down and hugged George tightly.

“She’s going to be fine,” I reassured him.

“No one can be fine after what she went through,” he whispered.

Fred heard and he sighed, leaving the feeble attempt at mischievousness. We sat in tense silence waiting for Rose to come out. After what seemed like forever, she came running out and dropped to the ground in front of all of us.

“Okay,” she breathed out, panting.

“Hold on, catch your breath,” Fred told her.

“Alright,” she began. “Dumbledore took us to my parents’ house, right? And when they saw us my mum, being the hospitable one, offered tea first thing. Didn’t ask a thing, just pulled a pot out of thin air it seemed, purely British. We sat around the fire and Grace was the one to say that it was okay to tell them everything. Dumbledore told them every detail and my parents sat in silence for the longest time. And I was the one to ask if she could stay. Mum was quick to agree, saying she could never see her as anything but a daughter. Dad, he took some convincing. But it was only a few minutes before he gave in, too. It ended that we all sat in the middle of the room crying and hugging. It was quite disconcerting. But, anyways Grace has a room in the house and will be moving her stuff in after her trip to the Ministry. She was going this morning, I think the trial should be set by now or maybe they took her mother in already,”

George took a deep breath and rubbed his pink and raw face, running the hand through his fiery ginger hair. Fred worked his jaw and then surprised me by smiling. His teeth glittered brightly as he laughed a little.

“What? What’s so funny?” Rose asked.

“Rose! They said yes! She’s out of that damn house and is putting her good for nothing mother in prison! This is good!” he exclaimed, brightly. “We did it!”

George stared at him with a dumbfounded face before his face identically matched Fred’s face and he laughed, relieved. I looked at Rose, seeing she looked the same. I joined in until we were all laughing madly. My breathing became easier that day. But, it didn’t last long.

Hogwarts Houses Divided~A Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now