The Christmas Present from No One

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Hogwarts Castle on Christmas was much more festive and enjoyable than any holiday at the Diggory house. I had never stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas before, Cedric insisted I come home with him every year. It always disappointed me, for I usually got a few good things from Mum, but barely anything from Dad. I suspected that whatever he got me every year was something Mum got and then forced him to sign his name on. And of course, Cedric got anything he wanted and more.

But, that year Christmas morning was met with excited girly giggles and shrieks from the girls that I shared a dorm with. I woke up with the giddy feeling I got every year, despite previous experiences. I quickly moved to the end of my bed to find a small stack of gifts.

The first one on top was from the twins, they always gave gifts together. I opened it with a laugh, because it was one of their fake wands. It was engraved “To our beautiful Kora-bear” and when you gave it a wave, it squawked and turned into a rubber chicken. It was a classic and one of my favorites.

The second one was from Rose, a knitted Hufflepuff Christmas sweater. It was beyond ugly and horrible, which was the point. I got Grace a Ravenclaw Christmas sweater and Grace got Rose a Gryffindor Christmas sweater. It was our tradition every year to get each other matching Christmas sweaters, all themed together.

The third one was from Grace, it was a large black hippogriff stuffed animal. It was my favorite magical creature, the year before I met my first one in Care of Magical Creatures class with the gamekeeper, Hagrid. I absolutely fell in love with one of the hippogriffs, named Paradon. But, because of Malfoy, Hagrid was no longer allowed to keep any hippogriffs anymore. I cried for a whole week when I watched Hagrid let the hippogriffs go. This stuffed animal looked exactly like Paradon, which made me feel extremely sentimental.

The fourth one was from Lee. It was a pair of dragon earrings, clearly for how scared I was with Cedric and the first task. Also when I got close to Lee.

The next one was from Mum. I read the letter attached before opening it and it said:

Dear Kora,

I’m so happy that you have decided to go to the ball, Lee is one lucky boy. This necklace was my mother’s and when she passed, it was given to me. I want you to wear it at the ball, it will look beautiful on you.



I opened the box and gasped in surprise. It was stunning, a large diamond in the middle of a setting with small diamonds dotting the chain up my collarbone, creating a beautiful design that reflected and mimicked snow crystals. I thought it would go great with my dress and I had a rush of affection for my mother, who always made up for what my father had neglected.

And I needed that affection to at least one of my parents, for my father got me a pair of socks that year. Not fun or cute socks, boring cotton brown socks. I put them away with a sigh.

There was one last present, with no note or name written anywhere. I regarded it with caution, in case it was something that maybe Pansy sent to blow up in my face. When I opened it though, my heart stopped beating and I dropped the box out of surprise.

It was another necklace, but very different than the one my mother got me. It was a golden chain, which held a very detailed cream puff charm. There was whipped cream, caramel and chocolate syrup and everything.

I knew immediately who would give me this, but why?

But then again, I did give him a snake ring.

It was a momentary whim I had. After Jennifer’s trial, we went shopping around London. I saw it and I thought of him. I thought maybe if I tortured him enough, then I would feel better. And all I could think would do it would be to kill him with kindness. I thought he would never do anything like that. I thought it would give him guilt about how he treated me.

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