Dad's Favorite

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I gasped and panicked, as I realized that I had overslept. I jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready for the World Cup. We had to get up at 2 am to get to the portkey, because Dad wouldn’t let us apparate with him. My brother, Cedric, hadn’t gotten his license yet and I was still underage. I wasn’t really as excited as either of them for this game, I wasn’t a huge Quidditch fan, but Dad wanted me to come for some reason.

I rifled through my closet looking for an outfit worthy of several hours of hiking and decided on a loose tank top and faded ripped shorts with blue converse high tops. I brushed out my long light brown hair and put it up in a high ponytail.

 “KORA!” Dad yelled again. I grabbed my overnight bag and hastily stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen to find my brother standing there with Dad impatiently tapping his foot.

“Hi, Daddy. Sorry for the wait,” I said, catching my breath.

“What took you so long? Cedric was here 10 minutes ago! We need to get going and to the portkey. We can’t miss this game, this is the World Cup!”

And then went on another rant about how Cedric was sure to get on the England team, that he was destined for greatness and how he needed to get an experience of the event before he went as a player. And Cedric just stood there, getting redder and redder in the face.

“Dad, why don’t we start going?” Cedric said, finally.

“Right, Ced!” he said, clapping a hand on his shoulder and leading him out to the lawn. And of course I was left alone. I sighed, tiredly and followed.

Cedric said something to Dad and stopped, while Dad went on without him. When I caught up to him he said “Sorry about that in the kitchen, sometimes he even gets on my nerves…….actually all the times,”

I giggled and linked arms with him “Hey, it’s cool. I don’t mind, really,”

Of course I did mind, but I didn’t want him to feel worse than he already did for being perfect. Because that made sense.

“Yeah, right,” he said, sighing exasperatedly.

“Look, I swear. It’s fine,” I assured him.

“Okay, alright,” he said. “So, why are you going anyway? You don’t even like Quidditch,”

“Dad wanted me to and I think it might actually be fun with the twins,” I said, shrugging.

Fred and George Weasley were my best friends and we were meeting at the portkey to hang out at the Cup. They have been waiting for this forever and haven’t stopped talking about it, saying they have a plan to jumpstart their new joke shop they have been working on. I don’t know what it is, because they haven’t trusted me with anything concerning the shop, yet.

“About that……” Cedric said, looking suspicious. “Are you…… anything…..with either of them?”

“What?! Fred and George?!” I exclaimed, shocked. “No way! It’s not like that with either of them!”

“Are you sure?” he said, not looking convinced.

“Yeeeeeesssss,” I dragged the word out for emphasis on the meaning.

“Okay,” he said, still not totally convinced. But he didn’t bring it up again.

We trudged along the dark trail, through woods, over hills and across fields. It would have been worse if it wasn’t for Cedric, for we had much time to talk. I loved to talk to him, he really was the best big brother. The dark sky lightened with time, my mood didn’t. My chest burned and my legs turned to jelly. After another agonizing few hours of hiking, we finally came to the foot of Stoatshead Hill. “The portkey is up this side of the hill!”

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