Grace's Summer Vacation

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“Oh my god, Grace!” Rose exclaimed, loudly. She immediately started crying tears of joy and sprang forward to hug Grace.

I thought I was dreaming or that Grace had really died, for she looked frighteningly like a ghost. Her raven hair contrasted her skin to make it seem like it was opaque and glowing and her grave expression didn’t help any. Fred was frozen in place, too stunned to move. I then took it upon myself to shake George’s shoulder.

He stirred, blinking and yawning.  “And I really do love you so much,”

His eyes landed on Grace and he flushed a bright red and he choked back his next few words.

“Uhm, I was—I didn’t mean—I was um, dreaming—yeah, about, um—mum, yeah,” he stammered, embarrassed. “Because you know, I love her and all. She was the one to give birth to me and-,”

“It’s okay George, I love you too,” Grace cut his awkward blabbering off.

He grinned big and laughed, a little mad sounding, but mostly relieved. He stood and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Grace, what happened to you?” he whispered.

She sighed. “I don’t think you really want to know,”

“Grace, cut the crap. We all have been worried sick over you the entire year and you just brush it off. We just care about you to hell and back. Which we have been in the last night. I had to see your bleeding body lying in a puddle of your blood with that damn knife right next to you,” I said, grabbing my head. “I’ve been trying to get you to open up to me, to anybody! And look at where we are, now. We all love you. Please just give us some piece of mind. Please,” I ran my fingers through my unruly hair and wiped some stray tears away.

Grace stared at me, flabbergasted. But she nodded. “Well, look who grew a pair in the last few hours,” I shrugged. “Alright, fine. For the past few years my parents have gotten real bad with alcohol and that kind of stuff and over the summer, it got worse. One night, Mum grabbed her wand, before Dad he could get to his shotgun, seeing how he’s a muggle. And she…..” She trailed off into silence and sniffed loudly. “She killed him. She used the wretched killing curse on my father, right in front of me. She made me bury the body!”

Grace looked as broken as her voice, tears staining her beautiful face. “He’s technically missing right now. Mum made me swear to never tell a soul. But, I can’t do it anymore. I cut to forget it and focus something as easy as the physical pain. And I’m guessing you’ve figured out my little issue about not eating,” we nodded. “Well I’ve tried. But I can’t keep anything down long enough. After a while, I stopped trying,”

“Oh my god,” I breathed, astonished. I remember seeing her father on the Platform or at her house, I never even considered the possibility of this to happen. I suddenly missed him greatly, wished I had gotten to know him more.

“Grace, you have to tell someone. Flitwick, McGonagall, Dumbledore, someone. You are 14 years old and you witnessed a murder. You shouldn’t have to suffer any more than you already have and keeping this inside is tearing you apart. You wouldn’t have to worry about your mother, she’ll be locked up. Or at least she would lose her custody over you,” George advised, wisely.

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