Tutoring the Ferret

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“Cedric! I hope you get Hogwarts champion! That would be great!” a kid yelled from across the table.

Cedric smiled kindly at him, but glanced nervously to my reaction. He was clear on my thoughts about him entering the tournament, we had argued about it incessantly. But, he was stubborn as much as he was competitive.

I didn’t blink an eye when the kid said it, but inside I was screaming like a banshee. There was a reason as to why the tournament was discontinued and it was because OF HOW MANY DEATHS WERE CAUSED BY THE BLASTED THING. I took a long deep breath to calm myself down, not wanting to explode on anyone. It took a lot to get a rise out of me, but my family was precious to me and if you messed with them, then you had an entire different Kora coming after you.

“Kora? Are you okay?” Cedric asked, carefully.

I looked up in surprise, but then noticed I had stopped eating and was now clutching my fork so hard my knuckles turned white. I released my grasp and laid it down, taking another long breath. “Yeah, I’m fine,”

I really wasn’t, I hated how everyone thinks this tournament was great and would gain them “eternal glory”. Yeah, like that would help you if you were dead. But, this was not my decision to make for Cedric. It was his. I needed to respect that. And with anyone else, I wouldn’t even bother to tell them not to, but Cedric was my brother. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he got hurt and I didn’t at least try to stop it.

“Look, I know that you don’t want me to put my name forward, but this is something I feel like I need to do,” he said.

I sighed. There was nothing I could do to change his mind. “Alright. If you feel that strongly about it, then go for it,”

“Really?” he asked, smiling with hope. I nodded, forcing a smile as well. “Thanks, Kores! That means everything to me!”

He gave me a side hug, pulling me to him. His smell enveloped my senses, making me think of home and our parents. They would be so proud of Cedric if he won or even just became champion. I would be proud too, but more scared out of my mind. I would probably be even more scared than Cedric would be.

I looked up to the head table and did a double take. Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch were sitting at the judge’s table, with the heads of houses. I snapped my head to meet Rose’s eyes, who seemed to just see him too. The twins were gazing incredulous to the sight as well, Grace just looking. I raised my hands, signing to Rose “why are they here?” She shrugged, narrowing her eyes at Bagman suspiciously. I looked him over, noticing he wasn’t his usual joyous self, he looked a little strained and mature. He lost some weight as well. I wondered if he felt guilty for what he did. If he even realized it.

The second course was served, but most ate only a few bites and cleaned their plates in no time. Too soon, it seemed, the plates were cleared and Dumbledore stood up. My throat dried up and my stomach did a back flip.

“The moment has come, the Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring out the casket,” My stomach did about 3 back flips at that word and threatened to give me back my dinner. “Just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But let me introduce, to those who might not know them, Mr. Bartemis Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports,”

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