Blackmailing the Scammer

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The next week was filled with utmost excitement, for the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were going to arrive that Friday. Cedric had gotten an extra spring in his step, which meant he still planned to do what I had warned against. The nightmares had stopped and I slept easily, gaining my usual glow back.

I was in Herbology with the Slytherins when Professor Sprout called me and Draco over to talk to her. I had vague sense of tension while we stood together in front of her.

“So, Mr. Malfoy. Are you aware that you are not passing this class at the moment?” she addressed Draco.

He turned a bright shade of pink, while I stifled a giggle. “Yes, Professor. I just don’t understand why I have to understand any of this stuff,”

“Well, that is not important right now. You are taking this class and I expect you to at least pass,”

He nodded. “Professor? What does this have to do with me?” I asked, confused as to my importance.

She smiled kindly to me and said “You are the best Herbology student I have in this class. I want you to tutor Mr. Malfoy,”

“What?! She’s a powder—,” he stopped in the middle of calling me the nickname of Hufflepuffs, when Sprout gave him a look. “I mean…but she’s….and I’m…”

“Yes she is and yes you are, congratulations on your observation skills, Mr. Malfoy,” she said.

I giggled and said “Of course, Professor,”

“Thank you. I want you two to study in the greenhouses, so you have access to the plants. Do you understand?”

I nodded. Draco glowered at the ground before sighing and nodding. She shooed us back to work. I grabbed his arm before he could sit back down. “What do you want?” he said, coldly.

“Does 1 on Saturday work for you?” I asked.

“Yeah, whatever,” he muttered. He wrenched his arm out of my grasp and sat back down, quietly talking to Pansy. When I passed her on my way to my seat again, she whispered “Of course she would, the little slut,”

I sighed and sat down. I was not thrilled with being Draco’s tutor, but I had to give him a chance. I was more worried for the group’s reaction to it.

“You’re what?!” Rose practically screamed. Rose, Grace and I met after dinner every day to talk until we had to go back to our common rooms. We were outside for that day, our homework on our laps. I had just told them the news of my tutoring Draco. They took it better than I had thought.

“You can’t tutor that ferret, Kora,” Grace said, firmly. “He’s not going to change or anything like that nice crap you so love to dish out,”

Okay, that hurt. “Yeah, he’s long lost, don’t even bother,” Rose agreed.

“I don’t have a choice on whether or not to tutor him, Sprout would’ve made me anyway. I’m just making lemonade out of the lemons the universe so loves to give me,”

“Yeah, well Malfoy is one tough lemon,” Rose said. I snorted and Grace smiled.

“But, not impossible to juice,” I said.

“Okay, if Malfoy was anything he would be an apple. A Granny Smith apple. All good looking on the outside, sour on the inside,” Grace said.

“That’s a lemon, too,” I reminded her. “But, I can see Draco as a Granny Smith as well,”

“No matter the fruit that he compares to, he isn’t worth it,” Rose said.

“I don’t believe it. I think he is scared of his family and likes to play the role his parents expect of him. I don’t think the persona he puts on is who he actually is,” I said.

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