5: Join The Club

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"Can you go one day without killing someone?" Giovanni groans

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"Can you go one day without killing someone?" Giovanni groans. Mads places a cup of coffee in front of him and he thanks her. "You didn't have to do that." He exasperates as he pours sugar into his coffee.

"Uh, yeah, I did. Bastard was stealing. Hear that? Stealing," I enunciate the word slowly. He nods and sips his coffee. "Plus, that happened days ago. It's old news."

"Cazzo! Questo sta bruciando!" He winces as he fans his tongue. I laugh at his stupidity before handing him a napkin to wipe his mouth with.
[ fuck! this is burning! ]

"No shit, it's coffee. Ti aspettavi che facesse freddo?" I ridicule and walk towards the fridge to grab the coffee creamer. I find it and set it down in front of him.
[ did you expect it to be cold? ]

"Non mi aspettavo che bruciasse le mie papille gustative," he groans before pouring the creamer inside his coffee.
[ i didn't expect it to burn my taste buds off ]

"As much as I love your presence, you need to..." I click my tongue while pointing to the door, "leave." He throws me a fake smile and sips his coffee. "What did you need again?" I ask when I realize his lazy ass isn't going to get up and leave.

"There's a girl who owes us a shit-ton of money. She's been off the radar for months, but I got word that she's going to be at Lucas' tonight. Problem is, something else came up. I can't go, but you can." He explains. "The club opens at nine, but it doesn't start getting packed until eleven."

"How much?" I ask him. He tilts his head and I had a lingering feeling that I know who he's talking about. "Hold on, are you talking about Isabella?" I had faintly heard about her; I have nothing, but hatred towards her. In the past, when we weren't in charge, she conned us out of hundred of thousands of dollars. I heard she has an unbelievable charm that works out completely in her favor.

He nods.

I huff and nod slowly, pacing around the table. "What do you want me to do?" I ask. I have a few ideas in mind, but I don't want to get the wrong idea; not when it comes to her.

"Do what you do best." He says. I stare at him in shock. He's never encouraged me to kill. He always scolds me or is blatantly annoyed by it.

"You're serious?" I question.

"Yes. Isabella has caused too much disruption in our business. I want her gone." He clenches his jaw and forcefully sets his coffee down. "Another thing, which I know you aren't going to like..."

I roll my eyes. "What now?"

"Salvatore will be joining you." I open my mouth to protest, but he adds: "Before you complain, it's necessary. I don't know how, but he knows Isabella better than anyone does. He knows how she works. I already spoke to him and he's aware of what's transpiring tonight." A few seconds pass, "I know you think everything is as simple as pulling out your gun, but Isabella is smart. She won't fall for just anything. As much as it pains you to hear, you need him." I groan as I know he's right and I have no argument to place forward.

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