Thursday Nights

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Logan's POV

I was sitting in my living room recliner reading a copy of my favorite book, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie, for the fourth time. I understand that the read is nearly pointless when you already know who the murderer is, but I find that the more you read something of this nature the more you piece together before the big reveal occurs.

My attention was pulled away from the story of Dr. Sheppard to a sudden change in color on my chest. It was the pendant that almost everyone was born with. I watched the pale blue turn to a solanum lycopersicium red. I sighed and put my book down, holding the pendant for a moment.

I'm sure it was a mistake that I was even born with it. Some people never are. These people never have to go through falling in love or the pressure of finding a "soulmate". Society calls them aromantic, I call them fortunate beyond the horizons of potential understanding.

The jewel of the pendant changed color again to a deep violet. The jewel you wear takes on the feelings of your so called soulmate. For example, if you feel the emotion of anger your soulmate's jewel might take on a red color, but there is no common ground for colors. One could be calm and their jewel could take the color of a light blue, while someone else expressing the same disposition could have the color dark green. It all depends on your personal perception of the given pigment. Though, however you think of the shade, your pendant will never turn black, or at least not in any way you could possibly hope for. When your soulmate dies, the pendant loses all life and falls from your neck.

The jewel changed once again back to its periwinkle shade of blue. It always does this on Thursdays. I don't know what they are doing, but every single Thursday, going back a year or so, my pendant goes through a whole mess of colors, shades, and gradation. Whoever this "soulmate" is, their emotions figuratively short-circuit every Thursday. I usually keep the charm tucked into my shirt to decrease possible distraction and work towards optimal focus and attention, but it must have fallen out some point of the day.

Normally I would have tucked the pendant back into my shirt and continue with my schedule, but I had the night off from the library and could afford to let the shifting colors entrance my mind, trying to find patterns or identify possible meanings behind the shades. I only meant to stay for a while, but I ended up falling asleep right there, glasses on and my hand wrapped around the small necklace that was still dancing with color.

Patton's POV

Thursday night, I love Thursday night. This was the one night of the week where I let myself splurge on TV. I used to just watch cute cat or funny baby videos, but I had recently discovered a show called Miraculous Ladybug. (I know I'm complete trash XD) Yes it is a kids show, but there is an adorable love story, superpowers, and character who lives for cat puns, so naturally I fell in love with it! It was quite the emotional rollercoaster too. I would spend the night wrapped up in my blankets with ice-cream while either squealing at the cute moments, yelling through the TV at the blindness of the two main characters, or laughing hysterically at an awesome cat pun. Currently, I was crying over Gabriel Agreste hugging his son. I didn't really like the man, and I knew that he was lying to Adrien, but COME ON it was adorable watching this little sunshine child finally feeling some love from his father.

I leaned over to set down my empty ice cream bowl and noticed the jewel dangling from my neck. To most it might not be the most interesting soul gem in the world, but I loved it. It rarely ever changed from its sapphire blue tone, so when it did I was overwhelmed with happiness and curiosity. How could one's feelings change so little? Even when it did change, it almost never changed color completely, it usually just shifted in different shades of blue. For example, the jewel would always turn an almost baby blue around 10 o'clock at night. I managed to piece together that this is the time that they go to sleep because it never changes for nine hours straight until they wake up at 7 o'clock a.m. Every. Single. Day.

Tonight was different though. At first glance the gem was it's usual sapphire blue, but as I looked at it, the tone began to change. I paused the show and watched the pendant as it slowly turned into a lavender shade of purple. I grinned at the small stone for changing, like it was some big achievement, before turning the TV back on to the next episode. I was only paying half attention though because half of my mind was focusing on the jewel which I was still holding in my hand as it continued to change back and forth between sapphire and lavender. It was close to 10:30 when I noticed the pendant beginning to fade out. Slight panic took over for a second as I worried that something was wrong, but I sighed and began to giggle as the stone turned baby blue.

"Good night," I whispered to my soulmate, knowing that they couldn't hear me. I turned off the TV and sank into my bed, letting sleep take over. "Sweet dreams."

AAAAAHHHHH guys, first chapter OUT! Whoop whoop.  I'm sorry if you don't get the Ladybug part. It's really not important, but I love the show and Patton needed something to watch ;)  I hope you enjoyed and I can't wait for the next one. I know... it's short... because I suck...ugh only 943 words... But I really like the story idea so I hope you like it too!

Love you guys!

Finding You (A Logicality and Prinxiety  Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now