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"Come on, let's go on a walk." Jungkook said holding out his hand. I hesitantly took it and he led me back to campus.


From: Tae

Ill b home late Y/n, sorry. Don't wait up get some sleep.


I stuck my phone back into my pocket and continued to let Jungkook guide me to his car. He opened the passenger side door and I got in as he ran to get in.

He drove into the busy part of downtown Seoul and parked his car. He ran to my side and opened the door before I could. I got out and we seemed to be at an empty park. "Race to the swings?" He smirked and nudged me in my arm.                  

I grinned at him then we both sprinted towards the swings. 


"It's getting dark let's get a drink, we can invite Namjoon." Jungkook suggested. I smiled as he took out his phone. 

"Annyeong Hyung...... What are you doing?........Oh cool, up for drinking with me and Y/n?........ Yeah we'll come get you." He said then hung up and smiled at me with that bunny smile of his. "Let's go get him." 


From: xxx-xxx-xxxx

It's Namjoon, Tell Jk to meet at the convenience store next to campus I got for my head tomorrow morning. 

To: Namjoon


"Namjoon said meet him at the convenience store next to campus." I told Jungkook, he glanced at me and nodded. We soon got there and Namjoon got in the back. 

"Y/n, are your errands Jungkook?" He tapped on my shoulder and winked. I blushed without noticing it, "No, I just happened to see Jungkook at the cafe I went to." I lied. 

We arrived at a small club and sat down at the bar. Everyone there looked young at around my age. Girls were grinding on guys, and some on other girls. It was like a grind line, it disgusted me. 

Namjoon stood up from his stool and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor. I laughed the whole way there. His improvising when it came to dancing was so bad. I laughed so much that my sides started to ache. "Namjo-- St-- you're the best dancer-- I've ever-- seen-" I said sarcastically in between chuckles. "It-- hurts--" I laughed more. 

Soon later Jungkook joined in trying to mimic Namjoon's dance moves. "You guys-- people are--starring--" I said. The non-stop laughing has started to make my head hurt. "You're laugh is really cute Y/n." Jungkook said smiling. 

Namjoon didn't bother to stop dancing so I was still laughing. "Thank you-- Kookie." I said then took another sip of my drink. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna visit the washroom." Namjoon said then ran off in a direction i'm assuming the bathrooms were in. 

Me and Jungkook continued to dance. My eyes wondered to a couple making out behind Jungkook. Gross. They stopped and pulled away and the girl glared at me. 

"The fuck is your problem?" She snapped. The guy turned around and my heart sank. 

Word count; 498

A/n; kinda short sorry. 

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