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Namjoon dragged me and Yoongi into a room where others sat. I recognized Hobi, Tae, Yoongi, Namjoon, and of course Jimin. There were two others sitting in the circle but I don't recall ever meeting them. I looked at both of them and locked eyes with one of them. He smiled and I almost fainted right there and then. 

"Y/n this is Jin and Jungkook." Hobi said while smiling. One of them put there hand out for me to shake. "I'm Seokjin, but you can call me world wide handsome." He said but was hit by the other one. "Yah! Don't hit me i'm your hyung!" he said. I shook his hand. "I'm Jungkook." The other one said and smiled. Oh that smile. 

"You give her a handshake but never return mine-" I heard Namjoon mumble. "Shall we start?" Jimin said as he smiled. I joined the circle and sat in between Namjoon and Yoongi. 

"You all know how to play Never have I ever right?" Tae asked and we all nodded our heads and the game began. "Who's first." Yoongi asked and Hobi smiled and started talking, "Never have I ever had a one night stand." His smile turned into an evil smirk as he looked at the boys. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Tae put down a finger in shame. If the game continues like this i'll win. 

We were going clockwise so Jimin was next. "Never have I ever kissed someone on the first date." Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Tae, and Jungkook put a finger down. "Never have I ever gotten drunk in public." Namjoon and Hobi put a finger down laughing. 

It was my turn and I knew exactly what to say to get everyone's finger down. "Never have I ever kissed anyone." I said grinning. Everyone lowered down one of their fingers. "Wait what? Y/n I thought you and Mun-hee kis-." Jimin tried talking but I cut him off by awkwardly laughing and shaking my head. 


After Y/n said she's never had a first kiss I was surprised. She didn't give off a hoe vibe like most girls here but still. Jungkook cleared his throat, "I could change that." He said winking at Y/n. I seen her become flustered and looked down. I glared at Jungkook in disgust and pulled out my phone. I pretended that I got a text. "Man, I have to go. I'll see you guys around." I said and left back to the dorm. 



A lot of people started to leave as it got later and later. "I'm heading out, We should hang out tomorrow though. Y/n you ready or?" Jimin said. I shook my head. I didn't want to leave yet. "Alright then, Will one of you take her home later?" Jimin asked looking around at the others. "Don't worry hyung, I'll take her." Jungkook said as he smiled at me. I smiled back at his sweetness. 

After about another hour me and Jungkook decide to leave. We said our farewells and headed towards his car.

A we we're in the car I learned he also went to school here, and so did the others. If only Jimin came here too it'd be complete. 

As we pulled up to campus we started walking towards my dorm. "Can I stay with you tonight? My roommate probably has friends over like they always do on Friday. I'll just sleep on the couch." Jungkook asked. I nodded and smiled. 

As we walked in Tae was on the couch with some girl snuggled up to him as they watched Tv. So that's why he left? Jungkook looked at me confused. I forgot to tell him that Tae was my roommate. I motioned him to just follow me to my room. 

"Tae is-" He started. "My roommate, yes." I finished his sentence. "Yeah, I forgot to tell you, sorry." I said. "Does he always bring home girls?" He asked. 

I looked down at my hands. Should I really tell him? There's really no reason not to.  I nodded, "Yeah, and they're all different girls." I said looking back at Jungkook unfazed. He just bobbed his head up and down slowly. "Interesting." 


When I seen Y/n I was happy. I needed to talk to her about class. The notes weren't making any sense to me so I was going to ask her about it. Then I seen Jungkook walk in after her. I'm not sure why but my blood just started to boil. Why is he here? 

I moved my arm from the girl next to me. I turned off the Tv and got up. "Leave." I said pointing to the front door. She just looked at me and rolled her eyes. She got up and left. I walked towards Y/n's door. 


After Y/n told me Taehyung brought different girls home it gave me so much more hope. I actually might have a chance with her then. If Tae is too caught up with different girls he won't notice Y/n. 

The door opened and me and Y/n looked at it. Taehyung was standing there. "Where your little girlfriend? Shouldn't you be with her?" I said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I wan't to talk to Y/n. So leave the room kookie." He said. "Right doll?" Tae said and looked at Y/n. 

"I said stop with the nickna-" Y/n tried saying but Tae cut her off. "You said stop with 'kitten' not the nicknames." he said and looked at her. "What the fuck Tae? Don't do it if she doesn't like it. She's not one of your fuck buddies." I covered my mouth when I noticed what I said. 

"Don't talk to me like that kookie. I'm your hyung, respect me." He said then walked towards Y/n. 


Tae walked over to me and my heart raced. He got close enough that I could smell his breath. "Tae you're drunk." I said. I could smell the rum and coke on his breath. "No i'm not, just buzzed." He whispered into my ear. I pushed him away and grabbed Jungkook's hand. "Come on we're not staying here." I wasn't going to stay in the same dorm with Tae while he was drunk. 

I grabbed my phone and pulled Jungkook out of the dorm. "I'm sorry about him-" I tried talking but I felt Jungkook's hand on the back of my head. He pulled me close and he kissed me. I was shocked but soon kissed back.

"Told you i'd change that." 

Word count: 1180

A/n; Sorry if it seemed like the point of views changed to much. It won't usually be like that.  

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