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I decided to just change back into what I was wearing earlier and to make my bun look more neat. I walked back out and seen Jimin leaning against the counter on his phone waiting for me and Taehyung passed out on the couch. 

"Aish, let's go Jimin." I said and put shoes back on. I grabbed my phone and we left. 

"I can't believe my car is still in repair. It's been two months. If I don't get it back soon I'm just going to buy a new one." I complained as me and Jimin were in the elevator.

"I was in America the time of the accident, I never really got to ask how bad it was." Jimin whined.

"Well I was with Shik. He was in the passengers seat and we were at a stop light then someone hit us from behind. It was only the back bumper that was messed up, the car itself still ran perfectly fine. How long does it take to repair a bumper?" I said. The elevator doors opened at one of the floor and two other people came in.

We waited patiently in silence till we got to the bottom floor and we all walked out. "So, meet anyone over the summer?" Jimin smirked. "Nope." I said popping the 'p'. 

"Y/n, you've had one boyfriend. I don't want to see you die alone." He said sarcastically. "Oh shut up, you've had two girlfriends and your're single." I said back playfully. 

"Feisty." A voice behind us said. I turned around and there was a tall guy. He was smiling and it revealed his dimples. "Are you following us?" Jimin asked,

"No, I live in the same building as you, i'm leaving to somewhere and I just happened to over hear your conversation." He said. He looked very happy. 

"I don't live there, I don't go to school here at all actually. I was just visiting a friend." Jimin said back and nudged me with his elbow. "Yep." I said.

"So." The guy put his arm around me. "You're single?" He said then smiled. I felt Jimin push his arm off before I could talk back. "We should go Y/n. Don't want to keep your family waiting." 

"Yeah I should get going too, I'm Hoseok by the way. Jung Hoseok, nice meeting you..." He waited for my name.

"Y/n, Lee Y/n." I mimicked the way he said it. "Nice meeting you Y/n, hope to see you around campus." Hoseok smiled and walked off. 


After dinner Jimin dropped me back off at my dorm. I walked in and seen Taehyung having a make out session with someone on the couch. "Ew." I said loud enough for them to hear me and walked to me room and shut the door. 

I heard arguing out side of my room then a door slamming. Taehyung opened the door. "Thanks for ruining my make out session with her!" He said then shut the door harshly. 


When Y/n walked in she said something. God her voice is so annoying. The chick I was making out with got up and yelled.

"Who's that!?" Geez, why is she so angry. "My roomma-" Before I could finish my sentence she got up and grabbed her sweater.

"So I was just going to be some one night stand!?" She yelled and left slamming the door shut. Really?! By Y/n walking in she got mad?! What a bitch. 

I walked up to Y/n's room and opened the door. She was laying in her bed on her phone. "Thanks for ruining my make out session with her!" I said and shut the door. I walked into the bathroom and showered. 


Looks like someone is mad. I swear if this is how it's going to be everyday i'm going to lose it. School has already started and we can't change rooms, i'll have to deal with him until the year is over.

My phone dinged and I looked back down at it. "unknown.

From: Unknown

Hey Y/n! It's me Hoseok from earlier, I found your number and decided to text you, Are you doing anything after class tomorrow? We should hang out. 

I added Hoseok into my contacts and texted him back.

To: Hoseok

Oh hey, I don't have anything planned so yeah we should. Do you have anything in mind?

From: Hoseok

Well actually, I moved here only a couple weeks ago and I haven't been able to explore. Maybe we can just walk around Seoul?

To: Hoseok

Yeah same, right after class or?

From: Hoseok

Right after, What classes do you take? Or do you only take one? I take Environmental science and that's all. My class end at 11:50.

To: Hoseok

No way same!

From: Hoseok

So that't where I must have recognized you. You got detention with Tae didn't you?

To: Hoseok

Tae? As in Taehyung? Yeah that was me. Do you guys know each other?

From: Hoseok

Yeah we've been friends for a long time now.

To: Hoseok

Really? you guys must be close. He's my roommate. 

I hesitated on telling Hoseok on what happened earlier. I didn't know if it was going to be a daily thing and I don't want to sound like i'm complaining about his friend so I decided not to.

From: Hoseok

He's YOUR roommate? I heard girls fan-girling about him earlier saying how lucky his roommate was. Lucky you. Have fun with that he's... wild.

To: Hoseok

Noted. It's getting late and i'm getting tired. I'm excited for tomorrow! I'll see you in class.

From: Hoseok

Yeah i'm excited too! Good night!

Hoseok sounds really nice. I'm actually very excited now. I also haven't had time to explore Seoul. It's really big and there's so many stores. I'm really looking forward for tomorrow. 

I placed my phone down and changed into shorts and a big hoodie. I washed my face and plopped back on to my bed and fell asleep.  

Word count: 999

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