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Shit. shit. shit. I have to stop- scaring her. It's only been a couple days and I feel- Attached? I feel like she's a priority. I feel- like I need to keep her safe, and letting her leave with Jungkook isn't a good start. 

Sure Jungkook might start off as loving and caring but he get bored, and quickly. He'll hurt her. Wait. He'll hurt her. I just need to be there for her. Once he throws her away she'll just run to me.

Perfect plan Taehyung. Now I just need to wait for it to fall into place.

I need to buzz to go away. I over heard her and Jimin talking about an interview she had tomorrow. I know she doesn't have a car so I can take her. I might have a slight hangover but it won't be the first time i'll be fine. I went to my room and fell right to sleep. 


Jungkook and I stayed at Hobi's dorm. He didn't have a roommate so I slept in the other room and Jungkook had the couch. I insisted him to have the bed but he rejected it. My eyes shot open once I heard pots and pans banging. "WAKE UP ! WE'RE GOING OUT !" Hobi yelled with a huge smile on his face. 

I groaned and got out of bed. The clock read eleven. "I have an interview at one, I have to get ready. What were you planning?" I said in my sleepy voice. Jungkook walked up from behind Hobi. "We were planning to do a karaoke day. All of us, we can do it after your interview though. How long do you think you'll take?" he asked. I shrugged, "thirty minutes?" I said grabbing my phone so I could go back to my dorm. 

"Yeah we can just do it after. We'll come up with you. We need to tell Tae about the karaoke thing." Hobi said. Me and Jungkook looked at each other for a second remembering what happened last night. We didn't tell Hobi why we were at his dorm and he didn't ask. 

We got to my dorm and I unlocked the door. "Looks like he's sleeping." Jungkook said. "I'll wake him up!" Hobi yelled as he ran to Tae's room. Me and Jungkook just stood there. There was a bang and then Tae walked out. He looked mad when he seen me and Jungkook. Wonder why. 

"What time are we leaving?" He said rubbing his eyes. "Well, we're taking Y/n to her interview, we're just going to eat something while shes there. You're welcome to join us we're leaving  around twelve thirty." J-hope said walking out of Tae's room. I nodded. 

"I'm gonna shower, I don't want to look like a mess for later." I said heading to my room to get something to change into and then into the bathroom. 


After I showered I put on blue jeans and a fluffy white over the shoulder sweater. I was brushing my hair as I walked out of the bathroom. I didn't think I took long but apparently it was already twelve. 

"I'm hungry." Jungkook whined. "We can go out to eat something right now,my treat." Tae said walking out from his room. He snaked his arm around my waist. "Doesn't that sound nice doll?" He said whispering in my ear. It sent shivered down my spine but I pulled away from him grasp.

"Okay, where's Hobi?" I asked looking around. "He went down for something in his dorm we'll just text him to meet us by the car." Jungkook replied. I nodded and put on my shoes. I grabbed my small bag and we left the dorm. 

Hobi was already at the car waiting. "I call front seat." He yelled and got in before the rest of us even made it to the car. Jungkook opened the door to the back and let me in first then he followed after. 

Tae got in the drivers seat but for some reason he looked annoyed or irritated. We got to a small cafe nearby and ate. It was already twelve fifty and we headed to a coffee shop a little further away so I could be on time for my interview. 

When we walked in the coffee shop was filled. On the website it had a pretty high pay and now I see why. I walked over to one of the employees and told them I was here for an interview. She led me to the back and towards a door. There were letters printed on the door in bold. 


Word count: 770

A/n; In case you aren't sure "S.Min-ho" stands for Song Min-ho. He's a member from Winner. Known as Mino. There's pictures below to put a face to the name. 

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Also please excuse me if I spell things wrong or use bad grammar

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Also please excuse me if I spell things wrong or use bad grammar. 

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