Chapter 32 - São Paulo to Cali

Start from the beginning

"Where are you guys headed?" I ask my aunt as she begins to get up.

"It's getting late, aren't we all headed home?" She asks in response.

"Um, I think I'm gonna show Neymar a bit more of the city," I tell them as he comes back from the bathroom.

"Are we leaving?" He asks.

"Alright," my aunt says as she hands me a set of keys my uncle gave her. "It was nice meeting you, Neymar," she smiles before some of my cousins and other relatives do the same.

We were left sitting in the pizzeria for a couple of minutes before we decided to go back across the street and lay in the grass for a bit.

"Name the stars for me," I joke as we both finally lie down.

Neymar puts his hand behind his head and takes a deep breath.

"The north star," he says, pointing at the brightest one. "The south star, the west star, the east star."

He begins to laugh and I shove him a little and turn to face him.

"Cali is nice," he smiles. "Colombia is nice."

"Brazil was out of this world," I say looking back up to the sky.

I feel his left hand looking for my right one and I move it closer. He takes my hand in his and we intertwine our fingers.

"Don't you ever get tired of all the fame and the hard work?" I ask him.

"It's not really tiring, as much as it is inconvenient..." He steers off. "I don't know, I mean, I do what I love and I couldn't be happier, everything else that comes with it is just a side effect."

"But don't you ever just want to quit it all and live somewhere secluded with Davi?"

"Of course, there are times like that, but it's all worth it in the end," Neymar says as he faces me. "I wouldn't be lying here with you right now if I didn't stick with it all, now would I?"

"Do you think we wouldn't have met if you weren't a famous footballer?" I ask him.

"Not unless we're soul mates."

"Everyone has multiple soul mates. There's like your best friend or-"

"Trust me, Kat," Neymar says. "It would've been wrong for us not to cross paths somehow in another life."

A couple of minutes later I claim that it's time for dessert and I entice him with the idea of raspados.

We begin to walk back home and stop by a little shack that sells food late at night and luckily for us they had shaved ice.

We were stumbling through the street, his right hand on my waist, my left arm around his neck, holding on for dear life as we lost our equilibrium with all our laughter.

We kept taking turns as to who would hold the cherry flavored shaved ice. He passed it back to me when his hand finally froze and I took it in my left hand. I stuck the spoon in and fed him before I fed myself.

"Watch out!" I yell as we almost cross the street without looking.

"What is it with these drivers?" He asks.

We cross the street and finally make it to my block. The street lights are the only thing that illuminate the path and we make our way to the front door. I open the metal frame and leave it that way, I tell Neymar I don't wanna go in using my eyes and he nods.

"It's pretty late though," he says as he leans against the wall.

I sit down on one of the yellow safety stumps and look back at him with a smile on my face.

"Do you want the last bit?" I ask him when I look down at the ice.

"You can have it," he shakes his head.

I take the spoonful and Neymar begins to talk.

"What?" I mock him after the constant sound of me crushing the ice is gone.

"How tired are you?" He asks again chuckling.

"Very," I admit. "But I don't want this night to end."

"Nothing lasts forever," he says and inches forward. "Let's go to bed."

I take the hand he put out in front of me and stand up. I begin to wipe my jeans off because of where I was sat and I hear him laugh.

"What?" I ask as I put some of my hair behind my ear.

"Your tongue is red," he smiles.

"So is yours," I start to blush instinctively.

At this point I didn't realize how close he was to me.

His hands are on my waist as per usual but what's out of the norm are his lips on mine.

He kisses me slowly and once I realize what he's doing I put my arms on his shoulders, around his neck and I grab my right wrist with my left hand as I close my eyes and take in the feeling I've been longing for.

The kiss is soft, just how I always imagined it to be. Slow, also how I imagined it to be.

His lips are what I've been craving, I feel myself putting more pressure on his shoulders since I begin to feel my knees going weak.

Oh God how I love this kiss.

He takes his lips off mine reluctantly and smiles at me. I'm left with my mouth partly open because I wasn't expecting this at all.

He walks into the house and I'm left standing outside still in awe of what just happened.

I crush the cup up and run into the house to meet him in our room again.

Of course he would leave me wanting more, after how I made him yearn for me with no return.

He's got me wrapped around his finger and he knows it; but more importantly, I love it.

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