Chapter 21: Sad faces and Brain Teasers

Comincia dall'inizio

Mrs. Falcone panicked on the other side of the line, "Well how is she?! Is she ok?!"

"No... I am so so sorry. All four went into a coma and Kasey lost the battle first." I turned and sobbed into Niall's shoulder. Mrs. Falcone and I cried into the phone for a few minutes before I told her I would call her later after she broke the news to her husband. Now I had to call Julia's mom. I wiped the tears from my eyes and coughed before running a hand through my hair.

"Hello, its Andie Cordez. I am calling from a hospital because Julia was severly injured in a car accident a few hours ago. Her, Chelsea, Kasey, and Zayn have been in a rough accident. Chelsea and Zayn were on the opposite side of the car but Julia and Kasey's side was hit by a car going eighty miles per hour. Julia and Kasey didn't make it. I am so so so sorry." I cried a little less mainly because I had hardly ever met Julia's mom but it was heart breaking to tell her too.

"I will call Chelsea and Zayn's." Niall quickly stated.

"I will call both Ni you don't have to. Go visit Chelsea, I am not sure how long until we can visit Zayn."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," she said wiping her eyes "now go." she pushed on my back. I walked down the hallway to Chelsea's room once more.

Andie's POV

I gulped, this call was going to be better to handle. I thought I was going to have a heart attack telling my best friend's mom her daughter is dead, and my cousin's friend's mom.

"Hello? Hi Aunt Kelly! Its Andie."

"Hello honey how are you?"

"I am decent I have terrible news though. I am calling from a local hospital in London right now because Chelsea, Kasey, Julia, and Zayn got hit by a car going eighty miles per hour when they pulled out of a road earlier. The car hit Kasey and Julia's side."

"Oh my God, is Chelsea and them ok?"

"Chelsea is doing fine, Zayn too. Kasey and Julia however didnt make it. Their injuries sent them into a coma and lost their life. I have already called everyone but you and Zayn's parents. I even brought Chelsea's hospital bed in Julia and Kasey's room before those two passed. All four are in comas but Chelsea and Zayn should be fine. Your very welcome. Yes her and Niall are so happy together! I would break his neck anyway if he hurt her, don't worry Aunt Kay. Yep I will hav her call you as soon as possible. Love you too... bye." Wow. Now to tell Zayn's parents. They don't even know we are even dat- we had dated. I sighed. I haven't even visited him but as I picked up the phone the gang got up and walked down the hallway, most likely to finally see Zayn. I put the phone down and walked over to the cafeteria. I need to eat food.


I walked down the hallway after about a hour or so. I haven't seen anyone yet and I kept trying to get Liam to respond to my texts. I dreaded seeing Zayn in bandages. I knew it wouldn't be a lot, even though he was the driver but a mustang slamming into a bunchbuggie is better than being in the punch buggie. Picture a truck and a prius. The driver of the truck wouldn't be as damaged as the driver of the prius. I got lost in my own thoughts until I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"I am so s-" I looked at warm brown eyes as I melted.


"It's ok Andie."

"How are you? I see you are out of the coma." I giggled.

"No I am still in the coma, you are imagining things." he joked.

"What happened to your eye?" I pointed to his slightly bruised eye.

"It's nothing the air bag hit my eye pretty badly but it's nothin serious. Yeah I was really lucky. I have a sprained wrist and a cracked bone in my leg."

"I was so scared." I whispered, tears rolling down my face. He pulled me in for a hug. I missed him so much. It has been for hours but I missed my b- ex boyfriend.

"It's ok "he said soothingly, "I am here now."

"Kasey and Julia died and that was enough to handle let alone you or Chelsea dying too." I sobbed

He rubbed my back and pulled away. He slowly tucked hair behind my ear. "I missed you so much." .

"Well I missed you too." his hand was still on my face. I started to lean in, getting lost in the moment.

"This cant happen." I held out my hands in a stopping motion. "See you soon." I walked down the hallway and took the right before getting to the reception desk. I popped my head around the corner to still see him about to turn the corner of the hallway when I yelled out. "Call your mom! Tell the guys I will meet them at the house later." I quickly walked out before he could stop and talk to me.

Talk about drama.

I expected Zayn to be the one turning around but instead it was Harry.

"Hey, what's-" he hugged me immediately. He just kept hugging me. His green eyes were puffy from crying. I had tears coming down my cheeks now and hugged him again. He was a little taller than me so I wrapped my hands around his upper chest. "Why does life have to be, so hard?"

"I really don't understand."

"Well Harry can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course, anytime. Would you rather go home? I am sure they are staying here for a little while longer until Niall is ready to leave."

"Yes ma'am." I said in a southern accent and hopped into my car with him.

I got a text from none other than Zayn.

I think we need to talk ~Zayn </3

Yeah... we really do but not about wht u think :|

? ~Zayn </3


5 Guys, One Beautiful Prankster, One Direction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora