Chapter 20

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Gray: we are meeting at 4ish right?

It was now Friday and I was at home getting ready for tonight. It was a long week full of endless homework assignments, projects, and tests and I am so happy the week is finally done.

Earlier in the week, we all planned on going to the beach after school today just to chill and hang out. The beach holds a bonfire every Friday night, so we were planning on staying for that too.

I decided not to go all out because we were just going to the beach after all but I did want to look somewhat nice. So I only touched up my makeup from the school day and threw my hair up in a messy ponytail. I threw on a bikini, some jean shorts, and a t-shirt. I packed my backpack really quickly because it was already 3:30.

I run down stairs and grab some food for snacks. There was a food place there but it closes at 7 and I wasn't sure how long we would be staying.

"Bye, Mom!" I yell and run out the door.


I show up to the beach at around 4 and the only car I see is Ethan's. I grab my backpack and jump out of my car.

I see that Ethan is sitting in his car alone.

I run up to his window, and he is on his phone scrolling through instagram.

"BOO," I yell as I hit my hand against his window. Ethan jumps so high and snaps his head with a glare, to see that it is me.

He opens the door with a scowl on his face.

"Was that really necessary?" He asks with a pout. He had on a white tank top with these blue swim trunks that complemented his tan skin amazingly.

I start to laugh hysterically and I try to wheeze something out but I just can't talk. He soon begins to laugh with me. I finally control myself because my stomach began to hurt too bad and tears were threatening to come out.

"You should have seen your face," I laugh. He turns around to grab something out of his car.

"Where is Grayson?" I ask. It was very rare to see them without each other since they were so close and always together.

"He wanted to drive with Katie for some reason," he rolls his eyes.

"When did that happen?" I ask confused. I didn't know they were close. We begin to walk on the path to the sand.

We reach the beach and I stand there admiring the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore with the seagulls squawking up above, mixed with the smell of salt water was a lot to take in. I take my flip flops off, and feel the warm sand between my toes.

Ethan sets out this beach blanket and takes off his shoes as well. As I stand there probably looking like an idiot staring off into space, he comes up and gives me a hug from behind.

"It's so beautiful, right?" I grab his arms that were wrapped around my neck. His close proximity was giving me breathing problems. He smelt so good and I never wanted him to move.

"It really is," I say still in awe taking in the smells and sights of everything around me.

The wind started to blow my hair and he removes his arms. I instantly feel cold and empty, like something was missing.

"Oh, shit," he curses while his blanket took flight in the wind. We both take off after the blanket, while it teases us by settling down again for a second then resuming its journey. Ethan trips over a rock and falls flat on his face, while I finally take hold of the blanket.

Disappointed// Ethan Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now