Chapter 9

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Skylar's POV

"I am so full." I say.

"Yah that's the best parlor in town."

"It was so good!" I say. My car was parked near the front door, so it wasn't a long walk.

"Yah, it's my favorite." Ethan says.

We walk the rest of the way in silence.

We get to my car and Ethan speaks.

"Hey, Skylar?" I turn to face him.

"Yah?" I say.

"I just wanted to say that I had a really good time talking to you last night and I hope that we can be great friends." I blush while Ethan says this.

"Aw, me too, Ethan." I look away, trying to hide my blush.

He starts to walk away but then turns back to me.

"Oh and I was wondering if I could have your phone number?"

"Yah of course." We switch phones and put each other's contacts in.

"Thank you!" he starts to turn away again.

"Bye, Ethan." I say with a smile.

"Bye." He smiles and starts to walk to his car.

I get in my car, and sit for a minute and think.

Ethan is not what I expected. When I saw him run into class on the first day, I thought he would be the type to be full of himself. I mean it's stereotypical, but consider the factors. Mae had told me that they were captains of the football team and were on the lacrosse and wrestling team as well. They are EXTREMELY good looking and have the best smiles. I mean they could pick ANY girl in the school and they would be falling at their feet.

From what I have seen in the past day, Ethan is nothing of what I initially thought. He is super sweet and is really fun to talk to and be around. At the party, I didn't see him hit on any girls, which surprised me.

Now that I think back, when we were dancing a couple girls were obviously jealous and giving me the nasty looks. But it is not like he likes me or anything. And I know I don't like him. Yah he is sweet, but we just met. I need to be careful. I don't want to get hurt again. But that doesn't mean that I don't see anything happening in the future.

I unlock my phone to put on spotify, when I see his contact name. I actually laughed out loud.


He had told me last night how he had this really embarrassing nickname, and I begged him to tell me. When he told me we laughed for a good 2 minutes. I actually think the nickname is kind of cute but he thinks it is horrible.

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is a filler and it's super short and I tried to combine it but it just didn't work. So double update today!

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