Chapter 14

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Skylar's POV

We walked back to the theaters in silence. But it wasn't that awkward silence that is painful to go through, it was a nice and a natural silence.

We walk up to the counter to buy the tickets, because the others were all already inside. I grab my wallet out of my bag and begin to take some cash out.

"One ticket for the planet of the apes movie at 7:00 pm please."

"Make that two," Ethan said pushing me a little to the side, handing his credit card to the worker.

"Ethan, no. It's okay I can pay for it," I say looking at him. It was a nice gesture but I really could pay for myself.

It wasn't like it was a date or anything, right? I thought. No Skylar, stop siking yourself out. You are with a group. It's not a date.

Is it bad that I want it to be?

"It's alright. I got you," Ethan said while looking at me.

"Thank you," I offered a smile, accepting that he was going to pay for me.

"Here are your tickets. Your theater is the first one on the right," the worker said handing Ethan both of the tickets and his credit card back.Okay, thank you," we both said to the worker.

"Enjoy your movie."

Ethan's POV

Skylar and I begin to walk towards the theater door. It was 5 minutes till the movie was supposed to start so we were just in time. I know it wasn't necessary to pay for her ticket but I wanted to.

She has become a good friend of mine in the time that I have known her. The first time I saw her I could not stop staring, she was just so beautiful. Plus at that party, I got to know her really well and she is really funny and sweet. I'm definitely not one to crush but I think I am developing feelings for her. It might be a little soon but when you meet someone, it doesn't matter how long you've known them. You just click and the chemistry is either there or it is not. I am being cliche, I know, but it is true.

Grayson and the boys think I should go for it and make a move. That's why we are even here. I mean they all wanted to go anyways but the idea started with Grayson trying to set me up with Skylar.

My last real relationship was freshman year. I found her cheating on me with this douche of a guy and we never talked again. It wasn't that serious of a relationship but still that feeling of getting cheated on is something I will never forget. Since then I have just been talking to girls here and there. But none of them are quite like Skylar.

"After you," I say as I open the door of the theater.

Once we get inside, the theater was dark and the previews were playing. I spot Grayson and he gives me THE look. I give him a look back to tell him to knock it off because nothing happened. It seems as though he got the message when he looked away to talk to Katie.

We walk up and I sit next to Grayson while Skylar sits next to me. Grayson hands me a bucket of popcorn to share with Skylar.

Gray leans over and whispers in my ear, "What the heck took you guys so long?"

"We just couldn't find her phone." I whisper not wanting to explain what really happened.

"Mhm." He say sarcastically.

I smack him on the arm and then turn over to Sylar, "Want some popcorn?" I whisper offering her the bucket.

"Sure," she says with a smile. She grabs a handful of it and says thank you as the movie starts.


About halfway through the movie, I look over at Skylar. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. The light from the movie was extenuating all of the features on her face. With her long eyelashes and her perfectly chiseled cheekbones; her beautiful brown eyes and her perfectly plump lips.

She turns her head and we meet eyes. Oh, shoot. I've been caught.

I offer a smile and when she returns one I look away, trying to refocus in on the movie. It's very hard to focus when I am around her.



It was nearing the end of the movie and the main character "Caesar" died. It was honestly really sad and I am not going to lie I teared up, but I quickly blinked away the tears because there is no way in hell I was going to let skylar see me cry. I would never be able to live that down with the guys.


I glance over at Skylar and notice that she has tears rolling down her face. She looked devastated and she looked as if she was so wrapped up in the movie. It actually pained me to see her cry.

She turned her head and caught me staring for the second time tonight. She quickly wiped away her tears and looked down in embarrassment.

Before I knew what I was doing, I took her chin in my hand and lifted her head so she would look at me. As her eyes met mine, I gave her a soft smile. With my other hand, I wiped away her remaining tears, "Don't be embarrassed," I whispered.

We stare into each others eyes, neither one of us wanting to look away and break the moment.

This is it. Make a move. Come on Ethan. Don't be chicken. Do it.

But there was this little voice in my head telling me no. Don't do it. It's only been 4 days. Don't rush into things like with Olivia.

Before, I could make up my mind, the theater lights turned on and the moment was ruined.

Disappointed// Ethan Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now