Chapter 15

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Skylar's POV

2 weeks later

Knock, Knock.

"Come in," I say looking at my laptop watching a youtube video.

I look up as the door opens and I see that it's Andrew.

"ANDREW," I yell jumping up and giving him a hug.

"SKYLAR," he jokingly laughs.

"How's uni been?" I ask while jumping back on my bed and getting under the covers. He has been gone living at the dorms since I started school. As much as I hate to admit it, I actually miss having him around.

"Eh, it's school," he sits down on my bed, "How's school been going for you?"

"Pretty good actually. I've made some really good friends and I love my classes," I pause, "So what are you doing home?"

Not that I don't want him here, it just seems weird how he would just show up without telling me first. 

"Just wanted to come say hi and check up on you."

"Oh," I say looking down at my covers, "Well, I am doing good."

Right as I say that I look up at him. Andrew gives me a look which communicated exactly what I thought he would think.

He thinks I am lying. But I am not. I am happy and it has been awhile since I could confidently say that.

"Really, Andrew. I am." I look him in the eyes trying to convince him. And deep down I know I was trying to convince myself too. That I am ok. I know I am happy. Everything has been perfect since we moved. But I still have this hole in my heart that still needs to mend back together. And I think the only thing that can fix that is time.

"If you say so," he says standing up walking to my door, "I am staying  for the weekend. Just let me know if you want to talk about anything."

"Okay, I will," I smile as he shuts my door.

Before the accident, Andrew and I were extremely close. I told him anything and everything that happened in my life. He was my best friend. After it happened, I closed off from him. Well, the whole world really. I would do anything to stay home and sleep. All I wanted to do was lay in bed and avoid any contact with any other human being than Jake. But Andrew was always still there, checking up on me. And I am thankful for that because without him I wouldn't be here.

But ever since we moved to New Jersey and I got a fresh start, it's almost like it never happened. When I walked off that plane, it felt like I could finally breathe again. Like I had been holding my breath ever since we got the news. Starting over was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Now, Andrew and I are even closer than before. I have my new friends that every time I see them, I learn more and more about, making me love them even more. Then I have the boys, that make me laugh endlessly.

Since that movie two weeks ago, they have been sitting at lunch with us and we have all gotten so close. We have all hung out a couple of times since then, including another outing to pizza.

I finish my youtube video, and get out of bed to grab something to eat. As I walk past my mom's shut door, I hear whispers. And I can't help but be curious as to what they were saying.

I walk up and press my ear to the door.

"I just feel like she is pretending that it never happened. All she does is go to school and hang out with her new friends. I barely see her anymore," I hear a voice that I quickly recognize as my mom say.

"But is that such a bad thing? Six months ago she couldn't even get out of bed to go to school. You should be happy that she is moving on and starting her life back up again. And it wouldn't be such a bad thing if you did to." I hear my brother say, his voice increasingly getting louder telling me he was getting closer to the door.

I quickly run down the stairs to avoid getting caught eavesdropping.

I know that I do need to spend more time with my mom. I guess I have just been so wrapped up with my new friends that I haven't even thought to spend time with her. I sometimes forget that she went through this too and needs someone to talk to as well.

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple out of the fridge, then sat down on the couch when my phone went off.



I text back quickly.


Hey e!


What's up


Nothin much hbu


I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to my game this friday and go out to dinner afterward?


Yah I think everyone was planning to go out to dinner afterward too. Pizza as usual?


I was kind of thinking it could just be us two 



Ethan did not just ask me out on a date. I look down at my phone screen to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

I quickly dial Vanessa's number. It rings a couple times and then she answers. Thank God.

"Hey what's up sky?"

"Ethan may or may not have just asked me out on a date," I say into the phone, anticipating what she was going to say and think.

"SHUT UP!" She screams making me jump and jerk the phone away from my ear.

"WHAT. No way. WHAT DID HE SAY??" She continues to yell from excitement.

"Ahhhhhh. Well, he invited me to dinner after his game on friday. And ya know I just assumed he meant everyone so I said like pizza as usual with everyone? And then he just said he was hoping it would just be us two."

"OMG. Skylar, what did you say?"

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!! That's why I called you ya ding."

What the heck, this can't be happening, I thought. There is no way that Ethan just asked me out on a date and there is no way that Ethan sees me in that way.

I am not going to lie I have started developing feelings for Ethan but I have tried to ignore them because I didn't want to move too fast. But now I have know him for 3 weeks, so I don't see how one measly little date would hurt.

"Say something like 'Yah I would love to' or 'of course.' Something simple!"

"Okay omg thank you. Love you. Bye!!!"

"Bye , let me know what he says!"

With that I hung up and went to my messaging app and texted Ethan back.


Yah i'd love too:)

Oh boy. Here we go.

Disappointed// Ethan Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now