Broken pt. 2 (Langst)

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  (A/N): Surprise surprise, this is a second part to 'Broken (Kangst)'. Someone suggested that I do a second part, and I thought "Yeah why the hell not". So thank you to @Daniela2Lazy I hope you all enjoy.


  Lance couldn't stop looking at the broken boy. It was all his fault. He did this to Keith. If only he had kept his goddamn mouth shut, this wouldn't have happened. God, why did he have to get all the attention, why, why, why?

  He looked back at the rest of the team to see them all bursting with tears. He looked at Pidge.


  Pidge had been the one to call Keith an 'attention hog'. Why the hell is she crying?

  He blew up on Pidge. He blew up on the entire team, for sitting there and agreeing with Pidge, and not noticing the damage they did to their teammate.

  Then Shiro blew up on Lance. So did Pidge. They started yelling, saying how this was Lance's fault for wanting all the attention. 

  In the end, he knew they were right.

  He knew it was all his fault. He always pushed and made fun of Keith, and was never able to notice the signs. Always looked for the spotlight, and made sure he always had everyone's attention.

  God he was such an awful teammate.

  Nobody was the same after that day. They all blamed Lance for it. Some of them never said it, like Hunk or Coran, but he could tell just by the way they looked and talked to him. He could tell they no longer had the same respect for him. Pidge, Shiro, and Allura made it well aware they thought it was his fault.

  They continuously yelled at him for the smallest mistakes he made, and was always constantly reminded how he was the one to kill Keith, even weeks afterwards. Nobody treated him as a friend anymore. Each day their hatred  towards Lance just grew more and more. Everyday, Lance fell further and further into the dark abyss that he was trapped inside of. He cut more and more. Whenever the team saw the cuts on his wrists, they'd yell at him and call him an attention whore. So he hid them on his lower abdomen and upper thighs. 

  In just a couple of months he already felt shattered.

  He was beaten down everyday, both physically and verbally. He couldn't handle it anymore. The growing fear and thoughts, consuming every part of his body. He never ate anything anymore, he didn't deserve it. He never slept. He felt that if he slept someone would hurt him in his sleep. He became paranoid to even stand in the same room with his teammates, let alone train with them. All he ever did anymore was train. Train to become stronger. Train to be able to defend himself against his teammates. To defeat the Galra. But everyday he continued to be on that ship, he continued to grow worse.

  He continued to break.

  Was this what Keith felt like?

  To feel absolutely destroyed and not loved by anyone?

  Lance couldn't take it anymore, but it's what he deserved wasn't it?

  He was always told how 'worthless' and 'weak' he was. How he was 'the sixth wheel' and so 'annoying' and 'easily replaceable'. Those words were engraved into his head.

  Blue always tried to comfort him, but he always brushed her off. She was wrong anyways.

  He was just broken.

  Lance continued to suffer likes this for what felt like forever to him. He had to have a couple hundred scars already. He felt so close to snapping. To ending it all. 

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