Christmas (Langst)

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  (A/N): I hope ya'll have an amazing Christmas or whichever holiday you like to celebrate. This story idea came from talking to the lovely @LilianaGladiator. So thank you my dear child. And I hope you guys like this one, and it's most likely going to be short. (Holy shit, it is NOT short)


  Christmas was finally here.

  And Lance was the most excited.

  He had been tracking the days to Christmas since the first few weeks of being on the ship. At least thanks to Pidge, after he begged and begged her to make him a calendar of Earth time.

  He was even the one to convince everyone to have their own little celebration. After countless hours of him begging, they decided it would be nice for a break. Lance was bouncing off of the walls after they agreed. He had already put so much thought into the gifts he was going to give them.

  For Shiro, he wanted to give him a song that had always helped him sleep, because he knew how bad Shiro's night terrors were. So he recorded him singing 'A Drop In The Ocean'. (Literally the song I'm listening to rn at 11:30)

  For Keith, he knew how much he'd been eyeing up that knife at the space mall, but didn't have enough money to get. So he saved up every spare change he could find to buy it for him. He also bought him some matching gloves to go along with it.

  For Pidge, he made his own homemade music box alarm clock, out of an old music box his mother gave to him when he was a child. It was almost broken so he decided to fix it up. When it was time for her to go to bed, the lullaby would play. Despite what everyone thought of him, he could do some very basic mechanics. He was in the Garrison after all, he had to know that stuff.

  For Hunk, he made a small stuffed Yellow Lion made from materials he found from around the castle. He knew how much Hunk was a cuddle bug. So he thought a stuffed lion was perfect.

  For Coran, he made a book a Cuban traditions to show him all of his old customs. He knew how much the Altean loved his home planet, and how much he loved hearing about Earth, so he though he'd appreciate it.

  For Allura, He wrote some his beauty tips and tricks in a little notebook, and gave her some of his products as well. He also recorded him singing a traditional Altean song, to remind her of her home planet.

  They were all perfect and he was so excited to give it to them.

  He couldn't sleep all throughout the night. It was the night before Christmas, and he was just too excited. He just kept thinking about how they'd react, and what kind of gifts they were going to get him.

  Sometime in the middle of the night, he had sneaked out of his room to put their gifts that were carefully wrapped with some spare material he found lying around, under their make-shift tree. He was all too giddy with excitement, as he skipped back over to his room.

  At one point in the night, he had finally tired himself out, and fell asleep.


  He woke up to the intercoms coming to life, and booming with Allura's voice.

  "H-How do you say it?... O-oh!" You could hear her faint mumbling, like she was talking to someone? 

  'Wonder who...' Lance thought.


  'Definitely Pidge' He thought with a small chuckle. He could hear the audible groans coming from the other rooms.

  Keith being the loudest.

  "Did I do it right?" She mumbled again

  "Perfect Alurra!"

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