Seeing Things (Klangst)

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(A/N): Okay, quick note, the next story I'm going to be publishing is going to be the part two to 'Broken (Kangst)' and it's going to be Langst. This could be Klangst, or it could be Langst, but I'm going with Klangst so rkhfbeli. I'm really excited for this, because I've had this idea for a while, and it's devilishly cruel, so have fun, and hopefully I'll make someone cry.


  The paladins were on an important mission, and everyone was assigned a different task. Shiro, Lance and Keith were to fight off Galran battleships in their lions. Hunk and Pidge were assigned to sneak into the main ship and infiltrate their systems. It was a risky mission, but it would put them ahead of the Galran empire by a long-shot.

  Soon enough, most of the battlecruisers were down, and Shiro sent Lance in to help assist with Pidge and Hunk. He landed his lion carefully, and proceeded to sneak down the halls. On his way he heard a wicked laugh he was all too familiar with


  He saw her appear in front of him with a wicked grin on her face. Lance was getting more uncomfortable by the second.

  "Hello Bue paladin..."

  She hissed the words out in such a sick twisted manner. Something wasn't right.

  "Guys I'm going to need backup," He spoke quickly, " I ran into that bitc- I mean witch, and something seems to be wr-Ngh!"

  She struck him in his right leg, causing him to fall to the ground. 'That's gonna suck' he thought

  "Lance are you alright? I'm coming in."


  Of course it had to be Keith.

  For no reason whatsoever, Keith seemed to be more annoyed with him as of late, and more snappy now that he's thinking about it. Maybe it's because he came out to the team as bisexual last week? They all seemed to take it pretty well... Although he did seem pretty taken aback when he told them all.

  He didn't have long to keep up his train of thought however, because the witch was right on his ass. She started blasting attacks at him, and he would be able to dodge it, but only by a hair because of his now wounded leg. After a short while he could see Keith running towards him, a fierce determination in his eyes to kill the witch. Or maybe Lance, he honestly couldn't tell at this point.

  But before he could reach them, the witch glared her nasty looking look of a true hag, and casted a dark and foreboding spell. The spell sent waves of pain all over Lance's body. It felt like it was entering his mind.

  Keith had screeched to a halt. Lance's scream was ear piercing. He felt a tightening in his chest as he listened to him scream. It was so painful to listen to. He wondered how much pain Lance must be feeling.

  Keith could visibly see some sort of barrier go up around the two. He started to go into a panic and rushed forward to get to them in time. The witch saw his attempt however and shot him with a blast a dark lightning. He fell backwards, and by the time he looked back up, the barrier was fully surrounding the two. Lance's screaming had finally ceased, and he lay on the floor. He seemed to have little strength left, but pushed himself up anyways

  Keith smirked slightly, 'Always was a fighter'

  Keith regained the importance of this situation and tried to break the barrier, but it just sent him backwards with a shock and a grunt to the floor. The witched glared at him with an evil smirk.

  'That witch is a bitch'

  He saw Lance look around at the barrier. It seemed like he couldn't see through, because he looked past Keith like he was a ghost. Keith noticed his frantic look, and his dilated eyes. He needed to call for backup.

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