what you two usually argue about

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axl: He gets easily jealous. You used to enjoy whenever Axl got jealous. He usually got all hot and flustered. But now he'd get jealous even if you were having just a friendly conversation! It frustrated you that he'd even get mad when he knew he was the only one you had eyes for.

duff: He's a bit of a slob. He leaves his stuff everywhere. When he enters the house, the first thing he does is toss his coat and shoes to the side. It drives you crazy! How can someone be that okay with the messes he makes?!

izzy: His constant jokes. You love the fact that Izzy' an all around fun guy. But sometimes his jokes can go a bit too far without him realizing. He never means to hurt anybody, especially you, but when he does you can't help but scold him about it.

slash: His smoking habit. Yes, he looks hot as hell with a cigarette tucked behind his ear or in between his lips, but it's horrible! It's killing him slowly with each puff he takes. Plus, it's not a very pleasant smell when he comes in for a kiss afterwards.

steven: He's always on the damn phone. In the morning at breakfast, he's on the phone. At dinner, he's trying to make a phone call to one of the boys. It gets really aggravating because you just want to have a conversation!


I'm sorry it took so long to update!!! life has been so hectic lately. I'm going to try to write some chapters ahead so I can just post them as I go. Any ideas? anything certain you want?

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